

字词 平常
释义 平常
 píng cháng
 (普通; 不特别) ordinary; common:
  这太平常了, 不值一提。 It's too common to mention.
  不能指望在这种场合的谈话会超越平常的客套。 Conversation on such an occasion is not expected to soar above polite commonplaces.
  那是极平常的一件事。 That is quite an ordinary event.
 (平时) generally; usually; ordinarily; as a rule:
  她平常不怎么说话。 Usually, she talks little.
  平常我骑自行车上班。 I go to work by bicycle as a rule.
  这个词儿平常很少用。 This word is seldom used on ordinary occasions.
 平常表面 matting;
 平常人 mediocrity;
 平常抗体 {免疫} conventional antibodies;
 平常鱼 roundfish




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