

字词 个人
释义 个人
 gè rén
 (一个人) individual (person); personal:
  用他个人的名义 in his own name;
  个人负责 individual responsibility;
  个人包办 individually monopolizing the conduct of affairs;
  个人问题 individual problem; love affair;
  个人崇拜 personality cult; cult of the individual;
  个人简历 personal particulars; biographical note;(拉) curriculum vitae;
  个人兴趣 personal preference;
  个人意图 personal motive;
  个人经历 personal history (experience);
  计较个人名利 a concern for personal fame and gain;
  个人利益服从集体利益 subordinate one's personal interests to those of the collective;
  个人自由行动 individuals acting their own way;
  个人说了算 one person alone having the final say (in a leading body);
  个人武断 make decisions arbitrarily by oneself;
  实行集体领导和个人分工负责制相结合的制度 function on the principle of combining collective leadership with individual responsibility based on division of labour
 (自称, 我) I:
  个人认为 in my opinion
 个人保(风)险 personal risk;
 个人财产收入 personal income from property;
 个人财产税 personal property tax;
 “个人差异”说 individual differences theory;
 个人乘车出行 person trip;
 个人承包经营 system of contractual operation by workers and staff as individuals;
 个人持有 hold in one's own possession;
 个人储蓄 personal saving;
 个人处理机 vigilant;
 个人贷款(信贷)公司 personal loan company; personal finance company;
 个人得失 personal gains or losses;
 个人防护 individual protection;
 个人防卫 private defence;
 个人飞行防护装备 individual flight protective equipment;
 个人分红制度 system of individual bonuses;
 个人辐射监测 personal radiation monitoring;
 个人购买力 individual purchasing power;
 个人冠军 individual championship;
 个人混合泳 {体} individual medley;
 个人激励 personal motivation;
 个人计算机 personal computer;
 个人剂量计 {核子} personal dosimeter;
 个人剂量学 personal dosimetry;
 个人价值 individual values;
 个人鉴定 identity;
 个人胶片剂量学 personal film dosimetry;
 个人经营 one-man business;
 个人决策 personal policy-making;
 个人开支 personal outlays;
 个人可支配收入 disposable personal income;
 个人劳动产品 individual products of labor;
 个人迷信 cult of the individual; personality cult;
 个人名誉 personal reputation;
 个人能力测验图分析 profile analysis;
 个人企业 individual enterprise;
 个人企业收入 personal income from unicorporated enterprises;
 个人人身意外伤害保险 personal accident insurance;
 个人权利 individual rights;
 个人生活资料需要量 amount of consumer goods an individual needs;
 个人史 personal history;
 个人什一税 personal tithe;
 个人收入 personal income;
 个人收入调节税 individual income regulation (regulatory) tax; individual earnings regulatory tax;
 个人所得税 individual income tax; personal income tax; income tax from individuals;
 个人天赋 individual endowment;
 个人通信 personal communication; person-to-person communication;
 个人卫生 personal hygiene;
 个人详细资料 personal data;
 个人项目 {体} individual events;
 个人消费 individual consumption; personal consumption;
 个人消费品 individual consumer's goods;
 个人消费支出额 personal consumption expenditures;
 个人肖像权 individual portrait rights;
 个人心理学 personalistic psychology;
 个人信用 personal credit;
 个人性格 foibe;
 个人训练 individual training;
 个人野心 personal ambition;
 个人野心家 careerist;
 个人隐私 individual privacy;
 个人英雄主义 individualistic heroism;
 个人预防 individual prophylaxis; personal prophylaxis;
 个人责任 personal liability;
 个人账户 personal account;
 个人支出 personal outlays;
 个人支票 personal cheque;
 个人职业选择性 take-it-or-leave-it option;
 个人直接捐税 direct taxes and charges on persons;
 个人直接占有产品 direct possession of products by individuals;
 个人主义 individualism;
 个人转让 individual negotiation;
 个人资本 personal capital;
 个人总收益 individual gross income;
 个人租金收入 rental income of persons




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