

字词 丧失
释义 丧失
 sàng shī
 lose; forfeit; be deprived of:
  丧失会员资格 forfeit one's membership;
  丧失记忆 lose memory;
  丧失立场 depart from the correct stand;
  丧失国格 lose one's national dignity;
  丧失人格 lose one's personal dignity;
  丧失人心 forfeit popular support; thoroughly discredited among the people; become unpopular; lose all popular support;
  丧失原则 depart from principle; forfeit (lose) principle;
  丧失警惕 lower one's guard; be off one's guard;
  丧失劳动力 disability;
  丧失理智 lose one's nerve;
  丧失时机 miss the opportunity (chance); let slip a good opportunity;
  丧失信心 lose confidence;
  丧失信用 play the bankrupt;
  这件意外事故使他丧失了生命。 The accident deprived him of his life.




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