

字词 希望
释义 希望
 xī wàng
 hope; wish; expect; want; desire; be hopeful; be dying for; a yen for; care:
  希望落空 fail to attain one's hope;
  把希望变成现实 turn hopes into reality;
  有成功的希望 have a hope of success;
  毫无希望 without any hope; beyond (all) hope;
  寄希望于 ... lay one's hope in (on) ...;
  (我们)诚挚地希望... It is earnestly hoped that...;
  抱一线希望 hope against hope;
  有一线希望。 There is a ray of hope.
  有生命就有希望。 Where there is life, there is hope.
  老师对我寄予很大希望。 The teacher expects much of me.




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