

字词 山峰
释义 山峰
 shān fēng
 mountain peak; mountain top; tind; knob; rock; peak; (爱) pin:
  白雪覆盖的山峰 snow-capped (snowcrowned) mountain peak;
  他是第一个登上这座山峰的人。 He was the first to top the mountain peak.
  位于中国和尼泊尔交界的喜马拉雅山的主峰珠穆郎玛峰是世界最高的山峰。 海拔8,848.13米。 这是中国登山队于1975年登上珠峰之后测定的数字, 它校正了过去人们很长时间内认为是8,882米的说法。 Mount Qomolangma, main peak of the Himalayas, situated on the Sino-Nepalese border, rises 8,848.13 metres above sea level, making it the highest peak in the world. This height was obtained by a group of Chinese mountain climers, who climbed to the summit of Mount Qomolangma in 1975 and, consequently, corrected the inaccurate height of 8,882 metres held correct for many years.




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