

字词 对头
释义 对头
 duì tou
 (仇敌) enemy:
  死对头 sworn enemy
 (对手) opponent; adversary另见 duì tóu。
 2) 对头
 duì tóu
 (正确) correct; true; on the right track:
  你的看法对头。 Your opinions are quite right.
  方法不对头。 The method is incorrect.
 (正常, 多用于否定) normal; right:
  这孩子脸色不对头, 恐怕是病了。 This child doesn't look right. Perhaps he's ill.
 (合得来, 多用于否定) get on well; hit it off; be on good terms with sb.:
  他们两人脾气不对头。 Those two are temperamentally incompatible.
  过去他俩不大对头, 现在却合得来了。 The two didn't get along in the past but now they hit it off well.
 另见 duì tou。




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