字词 | 容许 |
释义 | 容许 róng xǔ (许可) tolerate; permit; admit; brook; allow: 如条件容许 if conditions permit; 情况不容许我们再等待了。 In such circumstances we can't afford to wait any longer. 可以容许你有5天的准备时间。 You will be allowed five days to prepare. 我们不容许任何外来干涉。 We will brook no outside interference. 这件事不容许再耽搁了。 The matter brooks no further delay. (或许) possibly; perhaps: 这类事情, 10年前容许有之。 Such things might possibly have happened ten years ago. 容许闭塞 block system; 容许变差 admissible variation; 容许变分 admissible variation; 容许参数 admissible parameter; 容许策略 admissible strategy; 容许差 allowance; 容许颤动 allowance flutter; 容许齿隙游移 tolerable backlash; 容许冲击负荷 load impact allowance; 容许抽油量 allowable; 容许传输带宽 transmissible bandwidth; 容许带 {物} allowed band; 容许电流 allowable current; permissible current; 容许定时制 permissive timing system; 容许度 permission; 容许反应 homologation reaction; 容许符号 admissible mark; 容许干扰比 allowable ratio desired to interference signal; 容许公差 allowance tolerance; 容许工作速率 allowable working speed; 容许功率 allowable power; 容许估计 admissible estimate; 容许故障率 acceptable malfunction rate; 容许故障系统 failure-tolerant system; 容许含铅量 lead tolerance; 容许函数 admissible function; admittance function; 容许荷载 allowable load; permissible load; safety load; 容许极限 tolerance; allowance; tolerable limit; 容许集 admissible set; 容许剂量 {核} permissible dose; tolerance dose; 容许假设 admissible hypothesis; 容许间隙 allow clearance; 容许剪应力 allowable shearing stress; 容许结合应力 allowable bond stress; 容许界限 allowable limit; 容许控制 admissible control; 容许量 permissible dose; tolerance; 容许流速 {土} permissible velocity; 容许毛重 allowable gross weight; 容许磨损 allowable wear; 容许内插约束 admissible interpolation constraint; 容许能带 {固物} allowed band; allowed energy band; 容许能级 allowed energy level; 容许能态 allowed energy state; 容许农药残留量 tolerances for insecticide residue; 容许浓度 acceptable concentration; 容许偏差 allowable deviation; allowable variation; 容许偏移域 admissible deviation domain; 容许偏转失真 allowable deflection distortion; 容许漂移 tolerable fluctuation; 容许谱 {物} allowed spectrum; 容许前置符 allowed predecessor; 容许强度 allowable strength; 容许倾斜度 allowable heeling; 容许区间 tolerance interval; 容许曲线 admissible curve; 容许热限度 allowable heat limit; 容许伸长度 allowable elongation; 容许事故等级 acceptable malfunction level; 容许数 admissible number; 容许停车 {土} permissive stop; 容许同态 admissible homomorphism; allowed homomorphism; 容许统计假设 admissibe statistical hypothesis; 容许土壤流失量 permissible soil loss; 容许弯曲应力 allowable bending stress; 容许温度 allowable temperature; 容许误差 allowable error; admissible error; permissible error; 容许下沉量 {建} permissible settlement; 容许限度 allowable limit; 容许信噪比 limitation of signal to noise ratio; 容许形状 admissible set; 容许压力 allowable pressure; 容许压碎应力 allowable crushing stress; 容许压缩比 allowable compression ratio; 容许阳极损耗 allowable anode dissipation; allowable plate dissipation; 容许应力 allowable stress; 容许应力法 allowable stress method; 容许跃迁 allowable transition; permitted transition; 容许杂波电平 permissible noise level; 容许载体 allowable carrier; allowable load; 容许噪声标准 acceptable noise level; 容许噪声电平 allowable noise level; 容许胀隙 allowed space for expansion; 容许照射 allowable exposure; 容许照射剂量 rediation tolerance; 容许正规子群 admissible normal subgroup; allowabe normal subgroup; 容许支承压力 allowable bearing pressure; 容许值 admissible value; 容许转变 allowed transition; 容许阻力 allowable resistance |
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