字词 | 容 |
释义 | 容 róng 动 (容纳; 包含) hold; contain: 可容水30000多立方米的蓄水池 a reservoir with a capacity of over 30000 cubic metres; 几条小河容不下雨季的全部雨水。 The few small rivers could not hold all the rain that fell during the wet season. 那个杯子可容一夸脱啤酒。 That glass will contain a quart of beer. 这大房间能容6张床。 This big room can accommodate six beds. 这个港口容得下巨型油船和货轮。 The harbour admits large tankers and freighters. 这个阅览室能容100人。 The reading room can hold a hundred people. 这座大桥可容4辆卡车并列通行。 The bridge can take four lorries abreast. (宽容; 原谅) tolerate: 宽容 be tolerant; 情理难容 incompatible with the accepted code of human conduct; 他往往不能容人。 He is intolerant towards others. (允许; 让) permit; allow: 不容怀疑 admit of no doubt; 不容歪曲 brook no distortion; 此事不容耽搁。 The matter allows of no delay. 详情容后再告。 Permit me to give the details later. 这是不容争议的。 That admits of no dispute. 名 (脸上的神情和气色) facial expression: 愁容 a worried look; an anxious expression; 怒容 an angry look; 笑容 a smiling face (比喻事物所呈现的景象、状态) appearance; looks: 市容 the appearance (look) of a city; 阵容 lineup; battle array (姓氏) a surname: 容闳 Rong Hong |
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