

字词 害怕
释义 害怕
 hài pà
 fear; be afraid; be scared; be afraid for sth.; show the white feather; be afraid that ...; be in fear of; for fear of; strike fear into; be overcome with fear; be overcome by fear; be fearful; have a dread of; dreadful; dread; frighten; frightful; tremble (shake) in one's boots (shoes); can't say boo to a goose; have cold feet; get cold feet:
  害怕得要命 be scared to death; be mortally afraid;
  她不再害怕他们会误解她了。 She no longer feared that they should misunderstand her.
  这小女孩非常害怕打雷。 The little girl is intensely afraid of thunder.
 害怕工作者 {医} ergophobiac (厌恶工作的人)




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