

字词 定向
释义 定向
 dìng xiàng
 directional; orient; orientation; sense of orientation; predetermined orientation:
  无线电定向 radio range orientation;
  给 ...定向 give an orientation to
 定向爆破 directional (directed) blasting;
 定向爆破法 directional blasting method;
 定向刨花板 oriented wood chipboard;
 定向变量 orientation variables;
 定向变异 determinate (directed) variation;
 定向波束 {电磁} directional (directive) beam;
 定向测量 orientation survey;
 定向测雨器 vectopluviometer; vector gauge;
 定向插座 guide socket;
 定向成形 orthoplasy;
 定向传播 direction propagation;
 定向传声器 directional microphone;
 定向传输线路 beam transmission link;
 定向地雷 {军} fougasse; oriented mine;
 定向电视广播 directional television service;
 定向动作计数器 directional counter;
 定向发射(送) directional (beam) transmission;
 定向发射机 {讯} directional (beam) transmitter;
 定向发射率 directional emissivity;
 定向发射装置 aimed launcher;
 定向反射 orienting reflex; direct reflection;
 定向反射接收天线系统 beam reflector receiving aerial system;
 定向反射镜 directional mirror;
 定向反射面 specular surface;
 定向反射天线系统 beam reflector aerial system;
 定向返航 directional homing;
 定向方位 directional bearing;
 定向分子 oriented molecule;
 定向辐射 directed radiation;
 定向高聚物 stereospecific polymer;
 定向改良 orderly improvement;
 定向改正 orientation correction;
 定向杆 orientation lever; oriented rod;
 定向功率 directive (directional) power;
 定向功率继电器 directional (directive) power relay;
 定向广播 directional broadcasting;
 定向过流继电器 directional overcurrent relay;
 定向航行 constant-bearing navigation;
 定向核 oriented nucleus;
 定向合成 stereospecific synthesis;
 定向恒星 orientation using stars;
 定向基准数据 orientation reference data;
 定向极化 {电工} dipole polarization; orientation polarization;
 定向计数器(管) {核子} directional counter;
 定向继电器 directional relay;
 定向架 gunning stick;
 定向减数分裂 oriented meiotic division;
 定向键 directional bond;
 定向接收 directional (beam) reception;
 定向接收机 direction-finding (directional) receiver;
 定向接收天线系统 beam receiving aerial system;
 定向接收调谐 tuning for radio-beam;
 定向结晶 crystallographic orientation; directional crystal;
 定向进化 orthogenesis;
 定向进化学说 orthogehesis;
 定向井 {油工} directional well;
 定向聚合 stereospecific (stereoregular) polymerization;
 定向聚合物 stereospecific polymer;
 定向距离继电器 directional distance relay;
 定向颗粒纸 {纸} particle-oriented paper;
 定向可变耦合器 transvar coupler;
 定向课程 orientation course;
 定向滤波器 directional filter;
 定向漫反射 directional diffuse reflection;
 定向能量武器 directed energy weapon;
 定向凝固 {冶} (controlled) directional solidification; unidirectional solidification;
 定向凝固复合材料 directionally solidified composites;
 定向偶极天线 director;
 定向培育 directive (directional) breeding;
 定向喷射式燃烧室 directed spray type combustion chamber;
 定向屏蔽 baffle;
 定向器 direction finder; director; direction-finding equipment;
 定向气流 windstream;
 定向取代基 {化} directing (orienting) group;
 定向赛跑 {体} orienteering;
 定向栅 guide grid;
 定向射束 directional beam;
 定向射线 directed beam; guide (directed) ray;
 定向设备 orientation equipment;
 定向生长 oriented growth;
 定向收集器 directional collector;
 定向收听声纳浮标 directional listening sonobuoy;
 定向受精 directed fertilization;
 定向思维 directed thinking;
 定向天线 directive antenna;
 定向调幅 directional amplitude modulation;
 定向调频 directional frequency modulation;
 定向调制 directional modulation;
 定向听诊器 symballophone;
 定向通信 beam communication;
 定向突变 orthomutation;
 定向图 beam pattern;
 定向推力发动机 orienting thrust motor;
 定向误差 orientation error; misorientation;
 定向吸附 oriented absorption;
 定向效率 {电磁} directive efficiency;
 定向信标 directional (directive) beacon;
 定向信号接收机 directional receiver;
 定向型 orthotype;
 定向行为 {动} orientation behaviour;
 定向选择 {生} orthoselection; directional selection;
 定向学习 guided (purposeful) learning;
 定向循环 constant-circulation;
 定向寻找问题 direction finding problem;
 定向研究 decision-orientated study;
 定向扬声器 directional loudspeaker;
 定向氧化 selective paraffin oxidation;
 定向仪 director; direction-finder; orientation device;
 定向移相器 directional phase shifter;
 定向银幕 {摄} directional screen;
 定向育种 directive breeding;
 定向杂交 judicious mating;
 定向增益 {电磁} directive (directivity) gain;
 定向障碍 {医} disorientation;
 定向招生 directional enrollment;
 定向制(系统) beam (orientation) system;
 定向装置 bearing unit;
 定向准确度 bearing accuracy;
 定向自扩散 directed self-diffusion;
 定向阻抗继电器 directional impedance relay;
 定向钻进 directional (directed) drilling;
 定向钻孔 directional drilling; directional hole;
 定向作用 {生} orientation; directional role




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