

字词 完全
释义 完全
 wán quán
 (不缺; 齐全) complete; whole; perfect:
  与原本完全一致的文本 a perfect copy;
  她话没说完全。 She didn't give a full picture.
  他对我完全是个陌生人。 He's a complete stranger to me.
 (全部) completely; fully; wholly; entirely; absolutely:
  得到父母的完全信任 enjoy one's parents' entire confidence;
  完全不同 be totally different; have nothing in common;
  完全彻底为人民服务 serve the people heart and soul;
  完全同意 full accord with; complete agreement with; agree fully with;
  完全脱离现实 lose all touch with reality;
  完全相反 be the exact opposite;
  完全一致 completely in line; entirely at one; in full agreement;
  完全正确 perfectly right; absolutely correct
  {数} exact; full
 完全奥氏体化 complete austenitizing;
 完全半格点 complete semilattice;
 完全报单 perfect entry;
 完全焙烧 complete roasting;
 完全闭塞 entirely shut;
 完全编组 complete grouping;
 完全变态 complete metamorphosis;
 完全病毒 complete virus;
 完全操作 complete operation;
 完全拆散 completely knocked down;
 完全沉陷 {采矿} full subsidence;
 完全成熟 full maturity;
 完全单调 completely monotone; fully monotone;
 完全单调序列 completely monotonic sequence; totally monotone sequence;
 完全导电性 complete conductivity;
 完全(电离的)等离子体 stripped plasma;
 完全电控制 all-electric operation;
 完全电离气体 fully ionized gas;
 完全电子化点火系统 all-electronic ignition system;
 完全定义函数 completely specified function;
 完全短路 {电工} dead short; dead short circuit;
 完全兑换 full convertibility;
 完全对称 full symmetry;
 完全对称张量 completely symmetric tensor;
 完全对流湖 {水文} holomictic lake;
 完全对偶单调 complete dual monotonic;
 完全发育期 metaplasis;
 完全反向应力 completely reversed stress;
 完全反应 {化} complete reaction;
 完全非弹性碰撞 {物} completely inelastic collision; perfectly inelastic collision;
 完全肥料 complete fertilizer;
 完全分离操作 dissociated operation;
 完全分裂 complete segmentation; holoblastic cleavage; total segmentation;
 完全辐射体 perfect radiator;
 完全负相关 {教} perfect negative correlation;
 完全格{数} complete lattice;
 完全骨折 complete fracture; fractura completa;
 完全关节 perfect joint;
 完全关税同盟 complete customs union;
 完全归纳法 complete induction; perfect induction;
 完全焊透 complete penetration;
 完全弧烧法 total combustion method;
 完全互换 complete interchangeability;
 完全花 {植} complete flower; perfect flower;
 完全花纹循环 gait-over;
 完全花纹组织 gait-over;
 完全幻方 diabolic magic square; perfect magic square;
 完全混合作用 holomixis;
 完全积分 {数} complete integral;
 完全积性函数 complete(ly) multiplicative function;
 完全加法族 completely additive family;
 完全价值 full value;
 完全简并 {量子} complete degeneracy;
 完全交口 complete intersection;
 完全接地 dead ground; solid earth;
 完全解 complete solution;
 完全金本位 full gold standard;
 完全进位 complete carry;
 完全浸注法 full impregnation;
 完全竞争 perfect competition;
 完全菌 perfect fungus;
 完全喀斯特 holokarst;
 完全抗磁性 perfect diamagnetism; complete diamagnetism;
 完全抗原 complete antigen;
 完全可观(测)性 complete observability;
 完全可加性 complete additivity;
 完全可加性集合函数 completely additive set function;
 完全可控性 complete controllability;
 完全可约表示 completely reducible representation;
 完全可约算子 {数} completely reducible operator;
 完全空间 complete space; perfect space;
 完全空白行 {计} completely blank line;
 完全矿化 permineralization;
 完全冷淬 dead cold chilling;
 完全立方 {数} perfect cube;
 完全林分 complete stand;
 完全流产 complete abortion;
 完全垄断 perfect monopoly; complete monopoly;
 完全麻痹 complete paralysis;
 完全满载 full and down;
 完全面 complete face;
 完全年 perfect year;
 完全排列矩阵 complete permutation matrix;
 完全培养基 complete medium;
 完全膨胀循环 complete expansion cycle;
 完全劈理 perfect cleavage;
 完全平方 {数} perfect square;
 完全平衡 complete equilibrium;
 完全气化 complete gasification;
 完全气化过程 complete gasification process;
 完全气体 ideal gas;
 完全嵌套 completely nest;
 完全侵彻 {军} gage complete penetration;
 完全确定 complete determination;
 完全群 complete group; full group; perfect group;
 完全燃烧 {热} complete combustion; perfect combustion; after-flaming;
 完全熔化 {冶} complete fusion;
 完全溶化物 complete fusion;
 完全上层建筑船 complete superstructure vessel;
 完全渗透 interpenetration; complete penetration;
 完全剩余系 complete residue system; complete system of residues;
 完全失效 complete failure;
 完全时效硬化 quenching and age-hardening;
 完全试凑法 complete trial and error;
 完全树 complete tree;
 完全数 perfect number;
 完全水产养殖 thorough aquaculture;
 完全四(音)度 perfect fourth;
 完全塑性金属 perfectly plastic metal;
 完全随机化法 {教} completely randomized design;
 完全弹性材料 perfectly elastic material;
 完全碳化 carbonization;
 完全填塞 complete stemming;
 完全条件 full terms;
 完全调制 {讯} total modulation;
 完全停机 {自} dead halt; drop-dead halt;
 完全停止 drop-dead halt;
 完全同形部 dead flat;
 完全突变型 complete mutant;
 完全图 complete graph;
 完全土体 perfect soil;
 完全退火 full annealing; dead annealing;
 完全外显率 complete penetrance;
 完全稳定系统 completely stable system;
 完全稳定性 complete stability;
 完全五(音)度 perfect fifth;
 完全吸收体 perfect absorber;
 完全系 complete set;
 完全限定名 fully-qualified name;
 完全线性群 {数} full linear group;
 完全相关 perfect correlation;
 完全消化 catapepsis;
 完全消耗系数 complete consumption coefficient;
 完全雄性 holandry;
 完全学习法 {教} method of complete learning;
 完全压缩 complete compression;
 完全一致算法 complete unification algorithm;
 完全叶 {植} complete leaf;
 完全映射 complete mapping; perfect mapping;
 完全有序 complete ordering;
 完全宇宙学原理 {天物} perfect cosmological principle;
 完全语法描述 complete syntax description;
 完全域 complete field; perfect field;
 完全原函数 complete integral; complete primitive; complete solution;
 完全运算 complete operation;
 完全再结晶 perfect recrystallization;
 完全再生 holomorphosis;
 完全真菌 perfect fungus;
 完全正规空间 {数} completely normal space;
 完全正交规范集 closed orthonormal set; {数} complete orthonormal set;
 完全正交平面 completely perpendicular planes;
 完全正交系 complete orthogonal system;
 完全正相关 {教} perfect positive correlation;
 完全正则空间 {数} completely regular space; Tychonoff space;
 完全知识 perfect knowledge;
 完全致死 complete lethal;
 完全转导 complete transduction;
 完全状态 complete state;
 完全自保护式变压器 completely self protecting transformer;
 完全组合 complete combination;
 完全坐标 world coordinates




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