

 (安定; 没有骚动) peaceful; quiet; tranquil; calm:
  安睡 sleep peacefully;
  心神不安 feel uneasy (perturbed)
 (平安; 安好)safe; secure; in good health:
  安抵 arrive safely; arrive safe and sound;
  身体安康 be in good health
 (使安定) set (sb.'s mind) at ease; calm:
  安神 calm (soothe) the nerves
 (感到满足合适; 心安) rest content; be satisfied:
  安于现状 be content with things as they are; be satisfied with the existing state of affairs
 (使有合适的位置) place in a suitable position; find a place for:
  把我安在哪儿都行。 I'll be happy with any job I'm assigned to.
 (安装; 设立) install; fix; fit:
  安窗玻璃 put in a windowpane;
  安电灯 install electric lights;
  门上安锁 fit a lock on the door
 (凭空加上) bring (a charge against sb.); give (sb. a nickname):
  安罪名 bring charges against
 (存着; 怀着) harbour (an intention):
  安坏心 harbour evil intentions;
  他们安的是什么心? What are they up to?
 (安全; 安逸) security; safety; peace:
  安不忘危 mindful of possible danger in time of peace;
  欠安(书) be slightly indisposed; be unwell;
  转危为安 pass from danger to safety; pull through
  {电} (安培的简称) ampere
 (姓氏) a surname:
  安成 An Cheng
 (书) (用作疑问代词, 同“哪里, 怎么; 谁, 何, 如何”) where; how:
  其故安在? Wherein lies the cause?
  安能袖手旁观? How can one stand by and do nothing?




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