

 (防守; 看守) guard; defend:
  把守关口 guard the pass;
  守城 defend a city;
  守球门 keep goal;
  守土有责 be duty-bound to defend the territory of one's country;
  守住阵地 hold the position
 (守候; 看护) keep watch:
  守了一夜 keep watch for the whole night;
  守在床边 watch at sb.'s bedside;
  她在她母亲的病榻旁守了好几夜。 She watched beside her sick mother's bed for several nights.
  在整个生长季节, 他们都认真地守着葡萄园。 They kept a careful watch over the vineyard throughout the growing season.
 (遵守; 遵循) observe; abide by:
  守规矩 behave well;
  守信用 keep one's promise; be as good as one's word;
  守着老一套 stick to the old practice;
  严守校纪 strictly observe the school discipline
 (靠近; 依傍) close to ; near:
  守着水的地方要多养鱼。 Where there is water nearby, make a special effort to breed fish.
  守着这样好的老师, 你为什么不学世界语 ? Why don't you learn Esperanto when you have such a good teacher at your side?
 (姓氏) a surname:
  守恭 Shou Gong




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