

字词 子宫颈
释义 子宫颈
 zǐ gōng jǐng
 cervix (of womb); cervix uterus; trachel-; trachelo-
 子宫颈癌 carcinoma of cervix uterus;
 子宫颈成形术 tracheloplasty;
 子宫颈缝合术 trachelorrhaphy;
 子宫颈固定术 collopexia; trachelopexia collopexy; collifixation;
 子宫颈积血 hematotrachelos;
 子宫颈疾病 cervix diseases;
 子宫颈口扩张 dilatation of cervical os;
 子宫颈扩张袋 metreurynter;
 子宫颈扩张术 hystertotrachelectasia; metreurysis;
 子宫颈糜烂 cervix (cervical) erosion;
 子宫颈内膜 endocorvix;
 子宫颈内膜炎 endocervicitis;
 子宫颈切除术 trachelectomy;
 子宫颈切开术 hysterotrachelotomy;
 子宫颈外口 external os of vervix;
 子宫颈息肉 cervical polyp;
 子宫颈腺 cervical gland (uterus); glandulae cervicales uteri;
 子宫颈炎 {医} trachelitis; cervicitis




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