

字词 委托
释义 委托
 wěi tuō
 entrust; trust; bail; authorize:
  把此事委托给她办理 trust this matter to her; trust her with this matter;
  委托商业部门代销。 Commodities can be sold by the commercial departments on a commission basis.
  这事就委托你了。 I leave this matter in your hands.
  我委托他把 100 英镑存入银行。 I entrusted him with a hundred pounds to take to the bank.
 委托保险 trust insurance;
 委托保证金 consignment guarantee money;
 委托代表 (书) proxy;
 委托代理 agency by agreement; entrustment of an agent;
 委托代收款项的背书 endorsement for collection;
 委托店 frippery; commission shop (house; agent); second-hand shop;
 委托购买证 authority to purchase (AP);
 委托行 commission shop; commission house;
 委托机构 associated agency;
 委托加工 placing of state orders with private enterprise for the processing of materials or the manufacture of goods; processing deal;
 委托加工材料 outside processing materials;
 委托交易行 commission house;
 委托金 trustmoney;
 委托经销代销 marketing of products of state-owned enterprises by private shops;
 委托浓缩 toll enrichment;
 委托人 consignor; principal; bailer; party giving the mandate;
 委托商店 commission shop; commission house;
 委托生产 sub-contract production;
 委托书 mandate; certificate of entrustment; letter (power) of attorney; letter of authorization;
 委托投票书 proxy statement;
 委托销售 sale on commission; sale on consignment;
 委托业务 commission business




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