

 (人或动物的顶部) head:
  点头 nod one's head;
  转过头去 turn one's head
 (指头发或所留的发式) hair or hair style:
  平头 crew cut;
  分头 parted hair;
  剪头 have one's hair cut;
  梳头 comb the hair
 (物体的顶端或末梢) top; tip; end:
  笔头儿 the tip of a writing brush or pencil; the end of a pencil;
  村东头 the east end of a village;
  山头 the top of a hill; hilltop
 (事情的起点或终点) beginning or end:
  话头儿 thread of discourse;
  从头至尾 from beginning to end;
  从头讲起 tell the story from the very beginning;
  提个头 give sb. a lead;
  到头来 in the end; finally
 (物品的残余部分) remnant; end; remains:
  布头儿 leftover of a bolt of cloth; odd bits of cloth;
  烟头 cigarette end (stub; stump);
  铅笔头 pencil stub (stump)
  (头目) head; chief:
  工头 foreman; boss;
  土匪头 chieftain;
  谁是你们组的头? Who is the head of your group?
 (方面) aspect; side:
  分头进行 proceed each following one assignment;
  只顾一头 pay attention to only one aspect;
  两头落空 fall between two stools;
  既然决定了, 就分头去办。 Now that a decision has been taken, let each one do his job.
 (是非界限) bounds:
  做事(说话)过了头 go beyond the bounds of what is right
 (领头的; 次序居先的) lead; head:
  头马 lead horse;
  先头舰 a headmost ship
 (第一) first:
  头等 first-grade; first-class;
  头奖 first prize;
  头胎 firstborn
 (用在数量词前面, 表示次序在前的) first:
  头一次 the first time;
  头半本 the first half of a book;
  头三天 the first three days
  (方) (用在“年”或“天”前面, 表示时间在先的) last; previous:
  头几年 the past few years;
  头天 the previous day; the day before
 (临; 接近) prior to; about; before:
  头吃饭要洗手 wash hands before eating;
  头5点就得动身 have to start before (by) five
  两头牛 two head of cattle;
  一头驴 a donkey
  一头蒜 a bulb of garlic
 另见 tou。
 2) 头(頭)
  骨头 bone;
  馒头 steamed bread (bun);
  舌头 tongue
  奔头 prospect; sth. to strive for;
  看头 sth. worth seeing (reading);
  想头 idea; hope
  苦头 suffering;
  甜头儿 a foretaste of sweetness; benefit;
  准头 accuracy (in speech, etc.)
  里头 inside; interior;
  前头 above; before; in front;
  上头 above;
  下头 below
 另见 tóu。




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