

 (那; 这) that; this; those; these:
  夫人不言。 This man does not talk.
  贼夫人之子。 You are spoiling this man's son.
 (他) he:
  夫岂不知? Now doesn't he know?
  夫道若大路然。 Now the Way (Tao) is like a broad road.
  夫必自侮而后人侮之。 A man must despise himself before others will.
 (用于句尾或句中停顿处, 表示感叹):
  莫吾知也夫! Alas, no one understands me!
  逝者如斯夫, 不舍昼夜。 Thus things flow away day and night.
 另见 fū。
 (丈夫) husband:
  姐夫 elder sister's husband; brother-in-law;
  前夫 former husband; ex-husband
 (成年男子) man:
  匹夫 ordinary man;
  一夫当关, 万夫莫开。 If one man guards the pass, ten thousand are unable to get through.
  (旧) (从事某种体力劳动的人) a person engaged in manual labour:
  船夫 boatman;
  农夫 farmer; peasant
  (旧) (服劳役的人) a person served in forced labour:
  拉夫 press people into service
 另见 fú。




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