

字词 太阳
释义 太阳
 tài yáng
 (银河系的恒星之一) the sun:
  青年人朝气蓬勃, 好像早晨八九点钟的太阳。 Young people, full of vigour and vitality, are like the sun at eight or nine in the morning.
 (太阳光) sunshine; sunlight:
  晒太阳 bask in the sun;
  太阳地儿 a place where there is sunshine; sunny spot;
  今天太阳很好。 It's a lovely sunny day.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  太阳子 Taiyang Zi
  {穴位} Taiyang (Extra 2)
 太阳暗条 solar filament;
 太阳半径 solar radius;
 太阳半日潮 solar semi-diurnal tide;
 太阳暴风 solar gale;
 太阳爆发 solar burst;
 太阳爆发探测量 sunblazer space probe;
 太阳背点(面) solar antapex;
 太阳扁度(率) solar oblateness;
 太阳标志 {电子} sun strobe;
 太阳测微计 heliomicrometer;
 太阳常数 solar constant;
 太阳潮 solar tide;
 太阳齿轮 {机} central gear; sun gear;
 太阳虫 {生} heliozooid;
 太阳抽运激光器 sun-pumped laser;
 太阳传感器 {电} sun sensor;
 太阳磁场 solar magnetic field;
 太阳磁场望远镜 video magnetoheliograph;
 太阳磁象仪 solar magnetograph;
 太阳磁学 solar magnetism;
 太阳大爆发 solar outburst;
 太阳大气 solar atmosphere;
 太阳大气潮 {地物} solar atmospheric tide;
 太阳单色光电影仪 {光} spectrohelio kinematograph; spectrohelio-cinematograph;
 太阳单色光观测镜 spectrohelioscope;
 太阳单色光照片 spectroheliogram;
 太阳单色光照相仪 spectroheliograph;
 太阳灯 {医} sunlamp; sunlight lamp; solar lamp;
 太阳灯丝 {电} helion filament;
 太阳地形说 solar-topotraphic;
 太阳电池 solar cell;
 太阳电池板 solar panel;
 太阳电池叶片 {航空} paddle;
 太阳电池组件 solar module;
 太阳电子事件 solar electron event;
 太阳定向器 sun seeker;
 太阳订正 reduction to the sun;
 太阳(恒星)发光表面 photosphere;
 太阳帆 {航空} photon sail; solar sail;
 太阳帆板定向控制 solar sail orientation control;
 太阳繁殖 {植} solar propagation;
 太阳反辉区 sun glint;
 太阳分光热量计 spectropyrheliometer;
 太阳分米波爆发 solar decimeter burst;
 太阳峰年(研究)卫星 Solar Maximum Mission;
 太阳风 solar wind;
 太阳辐射 solar radiation;
 太阳辐射计 actinometer;
 太阳辐射流 solar flux;
 太阳辐射能谱学 spectropyrheliometry;
 太阳辐射平衡 balance of solar radiation;
 太阳幅射强度 solar radiation intensity;
 太阳辐射事件 solar radiation event;
 太阳服 suntans;
 太阳服务 solar service;
 太阳附件 {工} solar attachment;
 太阳跟随器 {电子} sun follower; sun seeker;
 太阳观测 {地测} sun observation;
 太阳观测站 solar station;
 太阳观察镜 {光} helioscope;
 太阳光斑 solar facula;
 太阳光能计 actinometer;
 太阳光谱 solar spectrum;
 太阳光球 solar photosphere;
 太阳光线 sunray;
 太阳过渡区 solar transition region;
 太阳黑点(子) {天} spot; sun spot; macula;
 太阳黑子相对数 relative sunspot number;
 太阳恒星 Sun;
 太阳化学公司 Sun Chemical Corporation (美国);
 太阳换热器推进 {航空} solar heat exchanger driver (SHED);
 太阳结构 solar structure;
 太阳巾 tignon;
 太阳经 Taiyang channel (经络);
 太阳镜 sunglasses; helioscope eyepiece;
 太阳盔 topee; topi;
 太阳棱镜观测镜 solar diagonal;
 太阳历 {天} solar calendar;
 太阳粒子 solar particle;
 太阳连续射电爆发 solar continuum radio burst;
 太阳联合观测 solar service;
 太阳亮度温度 solar brightness temperature;
 太阳流量单位 solar flux unit;
 太阳炉 solar furnace;
 太阳罗盘 sun compass;
 太阳帽 sun helmet; topee;
 太阳米波爆发 solar meter burst;
 太阳米粒组织 solar granulation;
 太阳模拟 solar simulation;
 太阳模拟器 solar simulator;
 太阳目镜 solar eyepiece;
 太阳目视(观测)镜 helioscope;
 太阳年 (solar) year;
 太阳鸟 sunbird;
 太阳器 heliotron;
 太阳气候 solar climate;
 太阳气候带 solar zones of climate;
 太阳前星云 presolar nebula;
 太阳扰动 solar disturbance;
 太阳热 sun-heat;
 太阳热量测量学 pyrheliometry;
 太阳热量计 pyroheliometer; pyrheliometer;
 太阳日 solar day;
 太阳日视镜 {天} helioscope;
 太阳软X射线爆发 solar soft X-ray burst;
 太阳色球 solar chromosphere;
 太阳色球网络 solar network;
 太阳筛 sunscreen;
 太阳上侧正切弧 {气象} supralateral tangent arcs;
 太阳伤寒 {中医} cold-stroke syndrome of Taiyang channel;
 太阳摄谱仪 solar spectrograph;
 太阳摄影术 heliophotography;
 太阳摄影仪 solar camera;
 太阳射电暴 solar radio burst;
 太阳射电爆发 solar radio burst;
 太阳射电辐射{天物} solar radio radiation; solar radio emission;
 太阳射电天文(学) solar radio astronomy;
 太阳射电运动频谱仪 solar radio dynamic spectrograph;
 太阳射电噪声 {电磁} solar noise; solar radio noise;
 太阳射电中心 solar radio center;
 太阳射线电子 solar-ray electron;
 太阳X射线辐照度 solar X-ray irradiance;
 太阳神经丛麻痹 abepithymia;
 太阳时 solar time;
 太阳时代 solar age;
 太阳视差 solar parallax;
 太阳视宁度监测仪 solar seeing monitor;
 太阳视影 solar seeing;
 太阳塔 solar tower;
 太阳探测器 sunblazer; solar probe;
 太阳同步轨道保持 solar stationary orbital keeping;
 太阳图 solar atlas;
 太阳望远镜 solar telescope;
 太阳微波爆发 solar microwave burst;
 太阳微粒辐射 solar corpuscular radiation;
 太阳微粒流 solar corpuscular stream;
 太阳涡轮电推进 {航} solar turboelectric drive (STED);
 太阳卫星solar satellite;
 太阳物理(学) solar physics;
 太阳吸收指数 {地物} solar absorption index;
 太阳吸水 {气} sun drawing water;
 太阳向点 solar apex;
 太阳效应 solar effect;
 太阳小时 solar hour;
 太阳星云 solar nebula;
 太阳行星空间 cisplanetary space;
 太阳-行星际磁圈 solar-interplanetary magnetic loop;
 太阳巡视 solar patrol;
 太阳研究 heliology;
 太阳眼镜 sunglasses; sunshades; shades;
 太阳演化 solar evolution;
 太阳耀斑 solar flare;
 太阳耀斑指示器 solar flare indicator;
 太阳影响终止点 heliopause;
 太阳鱼 sunfish;
 太阳宇宙(射)线 solar cosmic ray;
 太阳圆面 solar disc;
 太阳源 solar sources;
 太阳运动 solar motion;
 太阳灶 solar energy stove; solar cooker;
 太阳章动 solar nutation;
 太阳(全色)照片 photoheliogram;
 太阳照相仪 heliograph; photoheliograph;
 太阳振动 solar oscillation;
 太阳针状物 solar spicule;
 太阳质量 solar mass;
 太阳质子 solar proton;
 太阳质子流 solar proton flux;
 太阳质子流模拟器 stomertron;
 太阳质子事件 solar proton event;
 太阳中微子 solar neutrino;
 太阳中微子单位 {天物} solar neutrino unit (SNU);
 太阳中微子流量 solar neutrino flux;
 太阳中微子实验 solar neutrino experiment;
 太阳中风 wind-stroke syndrome of Taiyang channel;
 太阳中心说 heliocentricism; heliocentric theory;
 太阳紫外辐射 solar ultraviolet radiation;
 太阳周 solar cycle;
 太阳周年潮 solar annual tide;
 太阳周围绒状块 flocculus (pl. flocculi);
 太阳作用气温 {气象} sol-air temperature




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