

字词 天体
释义 天体
 tiān tǐ
 celestial body; heavenly body; world; aster; astrodome; ball; star
 天体表面的褶皱 accident;
 天体测光 astronomical photometry; astrophotometry;
 天体测量 uranometry; astrometry;
 天体测量赤纬 astrometric declination;
 天体测量(学) astrometry;
 天体测量学家 astrometrist;
 天体测量仪 astrometer;
 天体测量仪器 astrometric instrument;
 天体测温计 astronomical pyrometer;
 天体尘 kroykonite;
 天体初现 apparition;
 天体出没磁方位角 {航空} magnetic amplitude;
 天体出没方位角 amplitude;
 天体磁学 astromagnetism;
 天体大气学 aeronomy;
 天体弹道学 astroballistics;
 天体导航 coelonavigation; stellar guidance;
 天体等离子体 astrophysical plasma;
 天体地球物理学 astrogeophysics;
 天体地质学 astrogeology;
 天体地质学家 astrogeologist;
 天体(照相)底板 astroplate;
 天体动力学 astrodynamics;
 天体方位同步传动装置 azimuth synchro-drive gear;
 天体分光 astrospectroscopy;
 天体分光光度测量 astronomical spectrophotometry;
 天体分光计 astrospectrometer;
 天体辐射 astronomical radiation;
 天体跟踪器 automatic startracking device; star tracker;
 天体观测群 {航海} round of sights;
 天体观测卫星 orbiting astronomical observatory (OAO);
 天体观察 uranoscopy;
 天体光度测量 astronomical photometry;
 天体光度计 astrophotometer;
 天体光度学 astronomical photometry; astrophotometry;
 天体光谱学 astronomical spectroscopy; astrospectroscopy; astrospectromeyry;
 天体高度曲线 {航空} altitude curve;
 天体轨道 sphere;
 天体核子学 astronucleonics;
 天体化学 astrochemistry;
 天体恐怖 astrophobia
 天体立体照片 astrostereogram;
 天体力学 celestial mechanics; mechanical astronomy;
 天体碰撞 collision of celestial body;
 天体碰撞坑 {地质} astrobleme;
 天体偏振测量 astropolarimetry;
 天体偏振计 astropolarimeter;
 天体起源学 cosmogony;
 天体器 Astron;
 天体气象学 astrometeorology;
 天体摄动 astronomical perturbation;
 天体摄谱仪 astronomical spectrograph; astrospectrograph;
 天体摄影术 stellar photography;
 天体生物学 astrobiology;
 天体生物物理学 bioastrophysics;
 天体视向速度仪 astrovelocimeter;
 天体视增大 {天} augmentation;
 天体图 map; astrograph;
 天体温度 temperature of celestial body;
 天体物理天体测量(学) astrophysical astrometry;
 天体物理效应 astrophysical effect;
 天体物理学 astrophysics;
 天体演化 cosmogony;
 天体演化史学家 astrochrologist;
 天体演化学 cosmogony;
 天体演化学家 cosmogonist;
 天体演化学说 cosmogonal theory;
 天体要素 ether; aether;
 天体运动理论 celestial motion theory;
 天体照相 astrophotography;
 天体照相双合透镜 astrographic doublet;
 天体照相学 astrography; astrophotography;
 天体照相仪 {天} astrograph;
 天体照相仪平时 astrographic mean time;
 天体植物学 astrobotany;
 天体制图学 celestial cartography;
 天体自转 celestial bodies rotation;
 天体撞迹 astroblem




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