

字词 复合
释义 复合
 fù hé
 compound; complex; composite; recombination; composition:
  这个词是由一个介词和一个动词复合而成的。 The word is compounded of a preposition and a verb.
 复合板 composite board;
 复合伴随系统 complex adjoint system;
 复合半导体器件 {电子} multiple-unit semiconductor device;
 复合半抗原 complex hapten(e);
 复合包 {计} superpacket;
 复合孢子 semen multiplex;
 复合孢子囊 synsporangia;
 复合泵 combination pump;
 复合变量 composite variable;
 复合表达式 compound expression;
 复合冰蚀槽 composite trough;
 复合拨号 {讯} composite dialing;
 复合波 {流} compound wave; complex wave; composite wave;
 复合波痕 {地质} compound ripple marks;
 复合波形调制干扰 complex waveform modulated jamming;
 复合薄膜 laminated film;
 复合箔 composite insulating foil;
 复合材 composite wood;
 复合材料 {材} composite; {流} complex material; composite material;
 复合材料结构力学 structural mechanic of complex material;
 复合材料力学 mechanic of complex mateial;
 复合彩色视频信号 composite colour video signal;
 复合彩色同步信号 composite colour sync signal;
 复合彩色信号 {讯} composite colour signal; composite picture signal;
 复合层 composite bed; multiple bed;
 复合产品 joint product;
 复合长期基本趋势 basic long-term multifold trend;
 复合超导体 composite superconductor;
 复合成因矿床 compound origin deposit;
 复合弛豫 recombination relaxation;
 复合齿轮 compound gear;
 复合冲积扇 {地质} compound alluvial fan;
 复合冲模 {冶} compound die; compound press tool;
 复合冲压机 multiple punch;
 复合冲压式发动 recombination ramjet engine;
 复合传动装置 compound gearing;
 复合吹炼 top-bottom blowing;
 复合吹炼转炉 top-bottom blowing converter;
 复合磁扭线存储器 gyback twistor memory;
 复合磁体 built-up magnet;
 复合磁铁 {电工} compound magnet; magnetic battery;
 复合磁铁系制品 combined magnet system;
 复合磁头 combined record; playback head;
 复合词 compound (word);
 复合催化剂 composite catalyst;
 复合错位 compound dislocation;
 复合刀具 compound tool;
 复合导体 composite conductor;
 复合低温雪崩开关 {电子} compound cryosar;
 复合底火 combined primer;
 复合点缺陷 point defect complex;
 复合点阵 composite lattice;
 复合电秤 {电工} composite balance;
 复合电触头合金 composite contact metal;
 复合电极 combination electrode;
 复合电接触器材 composite contact material;
 复合电缆 composite cable;
 复合电流 recombination current;
 复合电路 composite circuit; compound circuit;
 复合电路整流器 multiple rectifier;
 复合电刷 {电工} composite brush;
 复合电阻器 {电工} composite resistor;
 复合吊综 {纺} compound harness;
 复合顶枝 syntelome;
 复合镀层 {电工} composite deposite;
 复合断层 {地质} compound fault;
 复合断路器 reclosing type circuit breaker;
 复合多股胶合线 composite stranded wire;
 复合二次式 compound quadratic form;
 复合二极管 compound diode;
 复合发光中心 recombination luminescence centre;
 复合发射药 composite propellant;
 复合阀 combination valve;
 复合法 composite algorithm;
 复合反馈 complex feedback;
 复合反力式涡轮机 compound reaction turbine;
 复合反射器 {工} complex reflector;
 复合反应 recombination reaction;
 复合纺丝 composite spinning;
 复合肥料 compound fertilizer;
 复合粉 composite powder;
 复合分布 compound distribution;
 复合分析 {数} composite analysis, compound analysis;
 复合辐射 recombination radiation;
 复合符号 composite symbol;
 复合负载铸型 synoromous load cast;
 复合附加物 compounded additive;
 复合概率 probability of recombination;
 复合钙钛矿型电陶瓷 complex perouskite type piezoelectric ceramic;
 复合干涉仪 compound interferometer;
 复合干涉仪系统 {电磁} compound interferometer system;
 复合钢 {冶} clad steel; compostite steel; ply steel;
 复合高聚物 polyblend;
 复合高频头 combined tuner;
 复合跟踪 combined tracking;
 复合功能电路 complex function circuit;
 复合公差 composite tolerance;
 复合供给 composite supply;
 复合关税 compound duty;
 复合管 multiple-unit tube; multiple valve; composited tube; mutiunit tube;
 复合管风琴音栓 tertian;
 复合果 compound fruit;
 复合过程 recombination process;
 复合函数 function of functions;
 复合焊丝 combined wire;
 复合焊条 {冶} composite electrode;
 复合行列式 compound determinant;
 复合核 complex nucleus;
 复合核反应 compound nucleus reaction;
 复合核理论 compound nucleus theory;
 复合核弹性散射 {核} compound elastic scattering;
 复合缓和曲线 compound transition curve;
 复合回路 {电工} set composite;
 复合火山 {地质} compound volcano;
 复合火山锥 composite cone;
 复合激振 complex excitation;
 复合挤压 combined extrusion;
 复合剂 complexing agent;
 复合计算机 hybrid computer; computer complex;
 复合继电器 compound relay;
 复合家庭 composite family;
 复合夹杂 duplex impurity;
 复合假设 composite hypothesis;
 复合焦点测距仪 coincidence range finder;
 复合角 compound angle;
 复合接头 {冶} composite-joint;
 复合截面 compound cross-section;
 复合结构 composite structure;
 复合结构材料 sandwich;
 复合介质电容器 composite dielectric capacitor;
 复合金属 {冶} composition metal;
 复合金属板 clad metal sheet;
 复合金属法 pluramelt process;
 复合进风废气箱 combined wind box;
 复合晶体管 Darlington;
 复合茎 compound stem;
 复合井筒 {采矿} compound shaft;
 复合颈卵器 archegonium complex;
 复合矩阵 compound matrice;
 复合句 compound (complex) sentence;
 复合绝缘 compound insulation;
 复合绝缘材料 composite insulating material;
 复合开关 combination switch;
 复合开关网络 combinational switching network;
 复合开诺全息照片 compound kinoform;
 复合抗性 multiple resistance;
 复合可变电容器 complex variable capacitor;
 复合可控硅 Darlistor;
 复合控制 compound control; combination control;
 复合控制电压 composite controlling voltage;
 复合控制器 composite controller;
 复合控制系统 compound control system;
 复合控制信号 composite signals;
 复合控制作用 compound control action;
 复合矿 grandidierite;
 复合框形天线 combined frame antenna;
 复合喇叭 {工声} compound horn;
 复合雷管 combined detonator;
 复合犁铧 composite share;
 复合理论价格 theoretical prices on a composite basis;
 复合历元 recombination epoch;
 复合粒子 compound particle; composite particle;
 复合粒子模型 comoposite particle model;
 复合力 composite force;
 复合力矩 bimoment(弯曲 -- 扭曲);
 复合连岛沙洲 {地质} complex tombolo; tombolo cluster; tombolo series;
 复合连续区 recombination continuum;
 复合量词 compound classifier;
 复合量化信号 combined quantized signal;
 复合磷酸钙 complex calcium phosphate;
 复合磷酸盐 composite phosphate;
 复合流量计 compound meter;
 复合率 recombination rate;
 复合滤波器 {电子} composite wave filter; composite filter;
 复合孪晶 {晶} compound twins; double twin;
 复合逻辑元件 compound logic element;
 复合麻醉 combined anesthesia;
 复合脉 {地质} composite vein;
 复合脉冲 composite pulse;
 复合酶 complex enzyme;
 复合密码 combination code;
 复合棉板 composite glass wool slab;
 复合免疫性 premunity;
 复合面 composite surface;
 复合命题 {计} combination of sentences; sentential combination;
 复合模 compound die; gang dies;
 复合磨料 abrasive compound;
 复合目标 {工} complex target;
 复合能 {物} recombination energy;
 复合凝胶 {化} plural gel;
 复合偶极子 combined dipole;
 复合判别准则 compound decision rule;
 复合泡沫塑料 {材} syntactic foam;
 复合喷嘴 two-stage injector;
 复合坯块 composite compact; compound compact;
 复合疲劳试验机 combined load fatigue testing machine;
 复合频率 combination frequency;
 复合频率分布 compound frequency distribution;
 复合品系 composite strain;
 复合平衡图 complex equilibrium diagram;
 复合平衡相图 double diagram;
 复合坡 composite slope;
 复合破坏 combined failure;
 复合破裂 combined rupture;
 复合谱 recombination spectrum;
 复合器 recombiner;
 复合器件 multiple device;
 复合强度 combined strength bination;
 复合切削 combined cut(ting);
 复合氢线 recombination H-line;
 复合曲线 {数} compound curve; combined curve; complex curve;
 复合取样器 composite sampler;
 复合圈闭 combined trap;
 复合全息图 composite hologram;
 复合染色体 compound chromosome;
 复合绕组 compound winding;
 复合热动继电器 compound temperature relay;
 复合熔岩流 composite lave flow;
 复合溶塑发射药 composite plastisol propellant;
 复合润滑油 compounded lubricating oil;
 复合三段论 polysyllogism;
 复合沙丘 {地质} complex dune;
 复合扇状构造 composite fan structure;
 复合烧坯 compound sintered compact;
 复合设备 equipment complex;
 复合设计 composite design;
 复合渗 composite cementation;
 复合时间 recombination time;
 复合事件 {电} compound event;
 复合试验 composite testing; compound experiment;
 复合视频信号 composite video signal;
 复合寿命 recombination lifetime;
 复合输出电路 compound output circuit;
 复合数 composite number;
 复合衰变曲线 compound decay curve;
 复合双面切削法 duplex spreadblade cutting method;
 复合税率 compound tariff;
 复合速度 recombination velocity;
 复合塑料 composite plastic;
 复合算法 composite algorism;
 复合碳化物 double carbide;
 复合陶瓷型 composite ceramic mould;
 复合体 compound; {脊椎} complexus; complex;
 复合条件 compound condition;
 复合调节系统 compound regulation system;
 复合调制 composite modulation;
 复合调制方式 hybrid multiplex modulation system;
 复合调制系统 hybrid multiplex modulation system;
 复合通信线路 composite communication link;
 复合同步脉冲 composite synchroinzing pulse;
 复合同步信号 composite synchronizing signal;
 复合透镜 compound lens;
 复合透平机 compound turbine;
 复合凸轮 muliple mounted cam;
 复合图 composite diagram;
 复合图像信号 composite picture signal;
 复合土壤结构体 compound ped;
 复合脱氧剂 double deoxidizer;
 复合维生素 B vitamin B complex;
 复合尾部 compound tail;
 复合位错 compound dislocation;
 复合位点 complex loci;
 复合稳定剂 compound stabilizer;
 复合涡旋 combined vortex;
 复合物 composite; complex;
 复合系数 recombination coefficient;
 复合系统 multiplexed system;
 复合纤维 composite fibre;
 复合显示 compound scope;
 复合显示器 composite display;
 复合线 recombination line;
 复合线路 composite line;
 复合响应 complex response;
 复合橡胶 compounded rubber;
 复合消隐脉冲 composite blanking pulse;
 复合消隐图像信号 picture signal with composite blanking pulse;
 复合消隐信号 composite blanking signal;
 复合斜纹 {纺} combined twills;
 复合谐波 combined harmonic;
 复合谐波天线 combined harmonic antenna;
 复合信号 composite signal;
 复合信托 complex trust;
 复合信息组 gulp;
 复合形变热处理 combined thermomechanical treatment;
 复合需求 composite demand; joint demand;
 复合循环 compound cycle;
 复合循环锅炉 combined circulation boiler;
 复合压块 {冶} composite compact; compound compact;
 复合压力计 compound pressure gauge;
 复合压坯 composite green compact;
 复合岩 composite rock;
 复合岩床 {地质} composite sill;
 复合岩墙 {地质} composite dike;
 复合扬声器 compound loudspeaker; combination loudspeaker; combination speaker;
 复合氧化物 composite oxides;
 复合音 complex tone;
 复合阴极 composite cathode; complex cathode;
 复合应变波 complex strain wave;
 复合应力 combined stress; compound stress;
 复合应力疲劳试验机 combined stress fatigue tester;
 复合永磁 composite permanent magnet;
 复合永磁材料 composite permanent-magnetic material;
 复合永磁体 composite permanent magnet;
 复合永久变形 combined permanent deformation;
 复合油 {材} compound oil;
 复合油气田 combined oil gas field;
 复合宇称 combined parity;
 复合语句 compound statement;
 复合语素 complex morpheme;
 复合元音 compound vowel;
 复合原子核 compound nucleus;
 复合运算符 composite operator;
 复合杂交 composite-crossing;
 复合载荷 combined load;
 复合载荷试验机 combined load testing machine;
 复合噪声 recombination noise;
 复合增长率 compound growth rate;
 复合轧辊 composite roll;
 复合轧制法 sandwich rolling process;
 复合战斗部 composite warhead;
 复合褶皱 composite fold;
 复合针 compound needle;
 复合珍珠 compound pearl;
 复合振铃 composite ringer;
 复合正弦波信号 combined sinewave signal;
 复合脂质 complex lipid;
 复合指甲红 henna;
 复合执行机构 combination actuator;
 复合指令 compound instruction;
 复合纸 extrusion coating paper;
 复合制动圆筒 composite brake drum;
 复合制品 composite product; laminated product;
 复合中心 deathnium centre; recombination centre; deathnium (空穴和电子的);
 复合中心钻 combination centre drill;
 复合种 aggregate species;
 复合周期断面钢材 double period section steel;
 复合轴承罩 composite bearing cage;
 复合柱体 compound cylinder;
 复合砖 composite brick;
 复合桩 composite pile;
 复合装甲 composite armour;
 复合纵向新月形沙垄 composite longitudinal ridge with barchans;
 复合组织 complex tissue;
 复合作用 compound action;
 复合作用弹 compolexing action cartridge




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