

字词 塑料
释义 塑料
 sù liào
 plastics; plastic material; plastomer:
  氟塑料 fluoroplastics;
  工程塑料 engineering plastics;
  可塑塑料 an impressionable plastic material;
  泡沫塑料 foam plastics;
  通用塑料 general-purpose plastics;
  塑料台布 a plastic tablecloth
 塑料板 plastic plate; plastic sheet;
 塑料棒材 plastic rod;
 塑料泵 plastic pump;
 塑料标本 plastotype;
 塑料表面处理机械 plastic surface treatment device;
 塑料波纹板 plastic corrugated sheet;
 塑料波纹管 plastic corrugated pipe;
 塑料薄板 sheet plastic;
 塑料薄膜 plastic film;
 塑料薄膜包线 plastic film covered wire;
 塑料薄膜电容器 plastic film capacitor;
 塑料薄膜育秧 plastic film nursery;
 塑料薄膜纸 plastic paper;
 塑料层压 plastic lamination;
 塑料层压机 plastic lamination press;
 塑料厂 plastic molding and processing plant;
 塑料车体 plastic car body;
 塑料成型 plastic molding and processing;
 塑料成型加工设备 plastic molding and processing equipment;
 塑料磁带 plastic-backed magnetic tape;
 塑料磁盘 diskette; floppy disc;
 塑料袋 plastic bag;
 塑料导爆索 plastic detonating cord;
 塑料电镀 plastic electroplating;
 塑料电容器 plastic capacitor;
 塑料二次加工设备 plastic refabrication equipment;
 塑料粉 molding powder;
 塑料封装 plastic capsulation;
 塑料封装机 plastic packaging machine;
 塑料浮标 plastic buoy;
 塑料浮子 plastic float;
 塑料覆盖 plastic mulching;
 塑料复合纸 extrusion coating paper;
 塑料复制版 plastic duplicate plate;
 塑料工业 plastics industry;
 塑料固化 plastic solidification;
 塑料管 silent stock tube;
 塑料管材 plastic pipe;
 塑料管材缠绕设备 plastic filament tube winding equipment;
 塑料盒 plastic casing;
 塑料环棚 plastic tunnel;
 塑料回收设备 plastic recovering equipment;
 塑料混炼机 plastic blender;
 塑料混凝土 plastic concrete;
 塑料机翼 plastic wing;
 塑料加固 plastic consolidation;
 塑料胶布带 {电} plastic adhesive tape;
 塑料金属喷镀 plastic plating;
 塑料晶体 plastic crystal;
 塑料卷取设备 plastic winder;
 塑料绝缘电缆 plastic insulated cable;
 塑料离心浇铸 plastic centrifugal casting;
 塑料粒料 plastic granule;
 塑料凉鞋 plastic sandals;
 塑料流动 plastic flow;
 塑料面 plastic cover;
 塑料膜 plastic film;
 塑料粘合 plastic bonding;
 塑料粘接炸药 plastic binded-explosive;
 塑料粘结剂 plastic binder;
 塑料喷涂 plastic spraying;
 塑料片材 plastic sheet;
 塑料片刻图 plastic scribing;
 塑料牵引机 plastic draw unit;
 塑料热合 plastic heat sealing;
 塑料热合机 plastic welder;
 塑料热敏电阻器 plastic thermistor;
 塑料溶胶 plastisol;
 塑料软磁盘机 plastic flexible disc;
 塑料软管 plastic flexible pipe;
 塑料上镀 plastic plating;
 塑料天线 plastic antennas;
 塑料添加剂 plastic additive;
 塑料填料 plastic filler;
 塑料填密 plastic packing;
 塑料贴面 plastic-face overlays; paper plastic overlays;
 塑料贴面(胶合)板 plasticfaced plywood; plastic veneer;
 塑料铁芯线 PVC coated iron core wire;
 塑料艇 plastic boat;
 塑料凸板画 cellocut;
 塑料涂布 plastic coating;
 塑料涂敷金属 metallization of plastics;
 塑料涂料 plastic paint;
 塑料推进剂 plastic propellant;
 塑料瓦楞板 plastic corrugated sheet;
 塑料外皮电缆 plastic sheath cable;
 塑料温室 plastic green house;
 塑料纤维 plastic optical fibre;
 塑料线间隙规 plastigauge;
 塑料线烫订 thread sealing;
 塑料箱 plastic box;
 塑料压花设备 plastic embossing device;
 塑料压机 plastic compression molding machine;
 塑料压延机 plastic calender;
 塑料压铸机 plastic transfer molding machine;
 塑料牙 acrylic resin tooth;
 塑料药筒 plastic cartridge case;
 塑料一次加工产品 plastics primary processing product;
 塑料印版 {刷} plastic (printing) plate;
 塑料应用 plastic application;
 塑料硬管 plastic rigid pipe;
 塑料永磁 plastic permanent magnet;
 塑料用漆 plastic paint;
 塑料炸弹 plastic bomb;
 塑料罩 plastic jacket;
 塑料真空敷金机 plastic vacuum metalizing machine;
 塑料只读磁盘 plastic read-only disc;
 塑料制袋机 plastic bag making machine;
 塑料制品 plastic product;
 塑料轴承 plastic bearing;
 塑料助剂 plastic additive;
 塑料注吹成型设备 plastic injection and blowing moulding machine;
 塑料注射模型孔 plastic injection moulding machine




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