

字词 基本
释义 基本
 jī běn
 (根本的) basic; fundamental:
  基本观点 basic concept; fundamental view;
  基本规律 basic law;
  基本原则 basic principles;
  数学的基本原理 the fundamental rules of arithmetic
 (主要的) main; essential:
  基本特征 essential features;
  基本条件 main conditions
 (基础的) elementary; rudimentary:
  基本知识 elementary knowledge
 (大体上) basically; in the main; on the whole; by and large:
  这项工作已经基本完成。 The work has been completed in the main.
  我们的意见基本上是一样的。 Our opinions are on the whole the same.
 基本比例尺 principal scale;
 基本编码 basic coding; absolute coding;
 基本编译程序 basic compiler;
 基本变量 {自} basic variable; bounded variable;
 基本标准成本 base standard cost;
 基本表达式 basic representation;
 基本表示 basic representation;
 基本波形 basic waveform;
 基本不变量 fundamental invariant;
 基本不变式 basic invariant; primitive invariant;
 基本不等式 basic inequality;
 基本部分 part and parcel; essential part;
 基本材料 stock;
 基本参数 basic parameter; essential parameter;
 基本操作 elementary operation;
 基本操作系统 basic operating system;
 基本差额 basic balance;
 基本常数 basic constant; fundamental constant;
 基本场粒子 fundamental field particle;
 基本成分 basis; elementary composition;
 基本程序 base program;
 基本程序块 basic block;
 基本乘积 fundamental product;
 基本齿条 basic rack;
 基本尺寸 basic size;
 基本赤字 basic deficit;
 基本传输损耗 basic transmission loss;
 基本磁层过程 basic magnetospheric process;
 基本磁化曲线 fundamental magnetization curve; reversal curve;
 基本词汇 basic vocabulary; basic word-stock;
 基本存储区 based storage;
 基本存取方法 basic access technique;
 基本存取方式 basic access method;
 基本大地测量 basic geodetic survey;
 基本代码 basic code; absolute code;
 基本单位 {物} base unit; fundamental unit; basic units;
 基本等级 basic grade;
 基本地址 base address; presumptive address; reference address;
 基本地址寄存器 base address register;
 基本点 main point; fundamental proposition;
 基本点阵 fundamental lattice;
 基本电荷 {物} elementary charge;
 基本电极 primary electrode;
 基本电流 fundamental current;
 基本电流强度 rheobase; rheobasis;
 基本电路 basic circuit;
 基本定理 fundamental theorem; principal theorem;
 基本定量 basal ration;
 基本定律 fundamental law;
 基本定向 {动} primary orientation;
 基本定址 base addressing;
 基本动作 elemental motion; basic motion; fundamental motion; therblig;
 基本度量学 fundamental metrology;
 基本度量张量 fundamental metric tensor;
 基本段 basic segment; root segment;
 基本多道程序设计系统 basic multiprogramming system;
 基本法 basic law;
 基本法则 fundamentum;
 基本烦恼 basic anxiety;
 基本反应 fundamental reaction;
 基本反应过程 elementary process;
 基本泛函 fundamental functional;
 基本方案 basic scheme; general planning;
 基本方程 fundamental equation;
 基本方式 basic mode;
 基本方式控制过程 basic mode control procedure;
 基本仿射联络 {数} fundamental affine connection;
 基本费率区 {讯} base rate area;
 基本分量 fundamental component;
 基本符号 basic symbol; base notation;
 基本覆盖 basic overlay;
 基本负荷 base load;
 基本负载 basic load;
 基本概念 basic concept;
 基本纲领 basic program;
 基本工资 base wages; regular pay; regular wages; basic wages; basic salaries;
 基本公差 basic tolerance; series of tolerance;
 基本公差单位 fundamental tolerance unit;
 基本公式 fundamental formula;
 基本顾客 primary potential customer;
 基本规范 fundamental norms; base plane; fundamental plane;
 基本规则 primitive rule;
 基本轨 {土} stock rail;
 基本过程 basic process; elementary process; primary process; unit process;
 基本函数 basic function; fundamental function;
 基本核心 taproot;
 基本核算单位 basic accounting unit;
 基本和 fundamental sum;
 基本化工原料 basic chemical raw materials;
 基本汇编 base assembly;
 基本汇编程序 basic assembler;
 基本汇编语言 basic assembly language;
 基本级数 basic series;
 基本极限 {核子} basic limit;
 基本集合 basic set; fundamental set;
 基本技术数据 basic technical data; fundamental technical data;
 基本记号 base notation;
 基本记录 master record;
 基本假设 fundamental assumption;
 基本价格数据 basic price data;
 基本监督程序 basic monitor;
 基本接口 basic interface;
 基本阶段 root phase;
 基本结构 basic structure;
 基本解 fundamental solution; basic solution;
 基本解矩阵 fundamental-solution matrix;
 基本解组 {数} basic set of solutions; fundamental system of solutions;
 基本径流 base runoff;
 基本句 essential sentence;
 基本均衡 basis equalization;
 基本开关电路 fundamental switching circuit;
 基本可行解 basic feasible solution;
 基本控制方程 governing equation;
 基本控制方式 basic control mode;
 基本劳动日 minimum number of workdays;
 基本利率 prime rate;
 基本粒子 fundamental particle; ultimate particle; elementary particle;
 基本连接{自} basic linkage;
 基本量 {物} base quantity; fundamental quantity; fundamental magnitude;
 基本邻域 basic neighbourhood; fundamental neighbourhood;
 基本路径选择 backbone route;
 基本路线 basic line;
 基本螺旋结构 basic spiral configuration;
 基本逻辑 basic logic;
 基本逻辑电路 fundamental logic circuit;
 基本脉冲 basic pulse;
 基本脉冲电平 basic impulse level;
 基本脉冲发生器 basic pulse generator;
 基本矛盾 basic contradiction;
 基本免税额 basic exemption;
 基本面 fundamental plane;
 基本命题 elementary sentence;
 基本命题函数 basic propositional function;
 基本能带区 fundamental-band region;
 基本能源 basic power source;
 基本培养基 minimal medium;
 基本判定 primitive decision;
 基本偏差 basic deviation; fundamental deviation;
 基本频带 baseband;
 基本频率 fundamental frequency; base frequency; fundamental;
 基本频率标准 {讯} primary frequency standard;
 基本强度 fundamental strength;
 基本区域 {数} fundamental region;
 基本曲线 fundamental curve;
 基本圈 reference circle; fundamental circle;
 基本权利 fundamental right;
 基本群 fundamental group;
 基本群落 concrete community;
 基本人权 basic human rights;
 基本容量 basic capacity;
 基本软件 {自} basic software;
 基本三角网 basic triangulation network;
 基本色 primitive colour;
 基本色调 key colour;
 基本设计 basic design;
 基本设计方案 basic design scheme;
 基本设计准则 basic design criteria;
 基本设施 infrastructure;
 基本生产资料 basic means of production;
 基本生活享受 basic amenities of life;
 基本失效率 basic failure rate;
 基本时间 {工管} basic time;
 基本时限 basic time;
 基本实用程序 basic utility;
 基本事件 elementary event;
 基本事件集 set of elementary event;
 基本事例 event;
 基本市场学 basic marketing;
 基本属性 base attribute; inherence;
 基本数据 master data; basic data;
 基本数据单元 primitive;
 基本数量分析 basic quantitative analysis;
 基本数字电路 elementary digital circuit;
 基本索引 base index;
 基本索引按序存取法 basic indexed sequential access method;
 基本速度 base speed;
 基本天体测量(学) fundamental astrometry;
 基本条款 condition clause;
 基本统计数字 benchmark statistics;
 基本投资 capital investment;
 基本图 parent map;
 基本挖掘 {采矿} key cut;
 基本外部函数 basic external function;
 基本网孔 fundamental mesh;
 基本网络 basic network; elemental network;
 基本文件 constituent instruments;
 基本物理常量 fundamental physical constant;
 基本物理量 fundamental physical quantity;
 基本误差 elementary error; intrinsic error;
 基本系统 fundamental system;
 基本系统参数 basic system parameter;
 基本险 basic insurance;
 基本线路 basic circuit;
 基本线路图 basic diagram;
 基本相互作用 basic interaction;
 基本箱 (镀锡薄板的商业单位) base box;
 基本项{自} elementary item; basic term; elemental term; elementary term;
 基本向量 basis vector; fundamental vector;
 基本消费 capital consumption;
 基本谐波 primary harmonic;
 基本谐振 fundamental resonance;
 基本信号周期 dot cycle;
 基本信念 ur-defense;
 基本信息 essential information;
 基本星表 fundamental catalog;
 基本型 fundamental form;
 基本形 {数} fundamental form; primitive form;
 基本形式 elemental form;
 基本形状 basic configuration;
 基本性能参数 fundamental performance parameter;
 基本循环 basic cycle;
 基本研究 basic research;
 基本样条 basic spline;
 基本要素 fundamental;
 基本意思 line;
 基本异名 basonym;
 基本语句 basic statement;
 基本语言设计 basic language project;
 基本语言软件 basic software;
 基本域 ground field; fundamental domain;
 基本元件 primary element;
 基本元素 basic element;
 基本原理 basal principle; cardinal principle; first principles; fundament; fundamental principle; philosophy; ultimate principles;
 基本原料 base stock;
 基本原则 foundation; base;
 基本圆 primary circle;
 基本运费 basic freight;
 基本运费率 basic rate;
 基本运价表 basic tariff;
 基本运算 basic operation; fundamental operation;
 基本杂波(噪声) basic noise;
 基本载波 main carrier;
 基本张量 fundamental tensor;
 基本账户 basic account;
 基本振荡 fundamental oscillation; natural oscillation;
 基本振动 fundamental vibration;
 基本振动转动区 fundamental vibration-rotation region;
 基本振幅 basic amplitude;
 基本振型 basic vibration mode;
 基本折旧基金 basic depreciation fund;
 基本证据 basic evidence; primary evidence;
 基本支援软件 basic support software;
 基本知识 elementary (rudimentary) knowledge; the (an) ABC;
 基本职能 basic function;
 基本直接存取法 basic direct access method;
 基本指令 elementary instruction;
 基本指令表 basic instruction set;
 基本质点 fundamental particle;
 基本中径 {螺纹} basic pitch diameter;
 基本周期 {自} basic cycle; base period; fundamental period;
 基本转换项 basic switching term;
 基本装入程序 basic loader;
 基本准则 basic norm;
 基本资金 capital funds;
 基本自动编码 basic autocoder;
 基本组件 basic module;
 基本组织 {植} ground tissue;
 基本组织系统 fundamental tissue system;
 基本阻力 datum drag;
 基本作业 elemental work;
 基本坐标系 fundamental coordinate system




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