

  聚精会神地听课 listen to the lecture attentively;
  感谢你好意地向我们提出建议。 Thank you for the suggestions you kindly offered us.
  瓢泼大雨猛烈地下了起来。 The rain commenced pouring violently down.
  天渐渐地冷了。 The weather is getting cold.
 另见 dì。
 (地球) the earth 天地 heaven and earth
 (陆地) land; soil:
  低 (高)地 down (high) land;
  荒 (林)地 wild (wood) land;
  盐碱地 saline and alkaline land (soil)
 (土地;田地) fields:
  麦地 wheat field;
  下地干活儿 go and work in the fields
 (地面) ground; floor:
  水泥地 cement floor
 (地区) place; locality:
  地处山区 be located in a mountain area;
  全国各地 all parts of the country; throughout the country
  目的地 destination;
  所在地 location; seat; site
 (地位) position; situation:
  立于不败之地 be in an invincible position
 (花纹或文字的衬托面) background; ground:
  白地红花的桌布 a table cloth with a pattern of red flowers on it;
  一块白地黑字的木牌 a board with black characters on a white background
 (路程,用于里数、站数后) distance:
  20里地 a distance of 20 li;
  我家离学院只有一站地。 My home is only a bus stop from the college.
 (姓氏) a surname:
  地典 Di Dian
 另见 de。




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