

字词 不断
释义 不断
 bù duàn
 (不断的; 连续不间断的) ceaseless; unceasing; uninterrupted; continual; continuous; constant:
  不断调整 continual readjustment;
  不断发展 uninterrupted growth;
  不断的抱怨 constant complaints;
  不断出现,不断解决 the ceaseless emergence and ceaseless resolution;
  使针刺麻醉不断完善 bring about steady improvement in acupuncture anaesthesia
 (不断地) unceasingly; steadily ceaselessly; incessantly; uninterruptedly; continuously; constantly:
  不断前进 march on without cease; march on unceasingly;
  先进单位不断涌现。 Advanced units are constantly emerging.
  人类社会总是不断进步的。 Human society makes unceasing progress.
 不断干咳 hecking cough;
 不断革命论 the theory of uninterrupted revolution;
 不断摸索 trial-and-error;
 不断增加 escalation




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