

 (环形; 环形物) circle; ring:
  包围圈 ring of encirclement; encirclement;
  北极 (南极)圈 the Arctic (Antarctic) Circle;
  画个圈儿 draw a circle;
  绕跑道跑两圈 run around the track twice;
  站(坐) 成一圈 stand (sit) in a ring;
  大家手拉着手, 围成一个圈。 All joined hands and formed a ring.
  我到外面转了一圈。 I've been out for a walk.
 (一定的范围) circle; group:
  他不是圈里人。 He doesn't belong to the inner circle.; He's not on the inside.
  这话说得出圈儿了。 That's really going too far.
 (在四周加上限制;围)enclose; encircle:
  用篱笆把菜园圈起来 enclose the vegetable garden with a fence
 (画圈做记号) mark with a circle:
  把那个错字圈了。 Mark the wrong word with a circle.
 另见 juān; juàn。
 (用栅栏把家禽围起来) shut in a pen; pen in:
  把羊群圈起来 herd the sheep into the pens
  (口) (把犯人拘禁起来) lock up; put in jail:
  把犯人圈起来 lock up a prisoner
 (闷在; 关闭) confine:
  你有什么事就说吧, 别圈在心里。 Speak out. Don't just brood over things.
  我讨厌整天给圈在办公室的小天地里。 I should hate to be confined within the four walls of an office all day.
 另见 juàn; quān。
 (养猪羊等牲畜的建筑) pen; fold; sty:
  羊圈 sheepfold; sheep pen;
  猪圈 pigsty
 (姓氏) a surname:
  圈称 Juan Cheng
 另见 juān; quān。




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