

 (团子) dumpling:
  汤团 boiled rice dumpling
 (成球形的东西) sth. shaped like a ball:
  线团 thread ball;
  缩成一团 curl up into a ball
 (工作或活动的集体) group; body; society; organization:
  财团 financial group;
  剧团 drama troupe;
  主席团 presidium
 (军队的编制单位) regiment
 (特指中国共产主义青年团) the Communist Youth League of China; the League:
  入团 join the League; be admitted to the League
 (把东西揉成球形) roll sth. into a ball; roll:
  团泥球 roll clay into a ball
 (会合在一起) rally; unite; conglomerate:
  团聚 reunite
 (圆形的) round; circular:
  团团脸 round face
 (集体的) collective:
  团拜会 mutual congratulations meeting on New Year's Day
  一团乱发 a mass of loose hair;
  一团毛线 a ball of wool;
  一团面 a lump of dough




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