

 (果品、鱼虾等大量上市的时期) time on the market; in season:
  草莓正在喷上。 Strawberries are in season now.
  牡蛎已过喷了。 Oysters are out of season now.
 (开花结实的次数; 成熟收割的次数) crop:
  头喷棉花 the first crop of cotton;
  香蕉一年收两喷。 The banana bears two crops every year.
 另见 pēn。
 (液体等受压力而射出) spurt; spout; gush; jet:
  火山喷出火焰和岩浆。 A volcano spouts flame and lava.
  喷泉向空中喷水。 The fountain spurted water into the air.
  石油从井口喷了出来。 Oil gushed from the well.
  水从管子的裂口喷出。 Water spouted from the break of the pipe.
  血从伤口喷出。 Blood spurted from the wound.
 (喷洒) spray; sprinkle:
  给花喷点水 sprinkle some water on the flower;
  往果树上喷农药 spray fruit trees with insecticide
 另见 pèn。




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