

字词 喘息
释义 喘息
 chuǎn xī
 (急促呼吸) pant; gasp for breath; puff:
  他跳上公共汽车时喘息不已。 He was puffing hard when he jumped on to the bus.
 (紧张活动中的短时休息) breather; breathing spell; respite:
  乘胜追击, 不给敌人以喘息的机会 follow up the victory with pursuit so as not to allow the enemy a breathing spell
 (喘证) syndrome characterized by dyspnea
  {穴位} Chuanxi
 喘息定 {药} isoprenaline; isoproterenol;
 喘息效应 breathing effect




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