

字词 唯利是图
释义 唯利是图
 wéi lì shì tú
 seek nothing but profits; be bent solely on profit (profit-making); be blind to all but one's own interest(s); be intent on nothing but profit; be interested only in personal gain; be self-seeking; care only for money; care solely for profit; have an eye to the main chance; plan only how to get money; profits-before-everything; pursue profit as one's only aim; put profit-making first; scheme after nothing but gain; stop at nothing to gain profit; turn everything to one's advantage; work exclusively for profit; work solely for personal gain:
  他这个人一贯都是唯利是图, 我从来不知道他有什么无私的行动。 He's always on the make; I have never known him do a disinterested action.




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