

字词 品种
释义 品种
 pǐn zhǒng
  {生} breed; cultivated varieties; strain; variety:
  优良品种 improved breeds;
  许多菊花品种 many varieties of chrysanthemum;
  苹果的新品种 a new variety of apples
 (产品种类) variety; assortment:
  货物品种齐全 have a good assortment of goods;
  增加花色品种 increase the variety of colours and designs
 品种比较试验 variety test;
 品种纯度 purity of variety;
 品种复壮 renovation of variety;
 品种更换 variety renovation;
 品种更新 seed replacement;
 品种混杂 varietal complexity;
 品种检定 variety certification;
 品种鉴定 identification of variety;
 品种内异系杂种 incrossbred;
 品种齐全 great variety of goods;
 品种区 variety plot;
 品种区域化 variety regionalization;
 品种试验 variety test;
 品种特性 breediness;
 品种特征 varietal characteristic;
 品种提纯复壮 variety rejuvenation;
 品种退化 variety degeneration; variety degression;
 品种征集 variety collection;
 品种证明书 species certificate;
 品种资源 variety resources;
 品种资源库 species bank




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