

 (上下牙齿用力对着) bite; snap at:
  咬不动 too tough to bite (chew);
  咬了一口 take a bite;
  一口咬定 assert emphatically; insist;
  爱叫的狗不咬人。 Barking dogs seldom bite.
  那条狗咬了我的腿。 The dog snapped (bit) at my leg.
  正在长牙齿的婴儿喜欢咬硬物。 Babies who are getting new teeth like something hard to bite on.
 (狗叫) bark:
  鸡叫狗咬。 Cocks crow and dogs bark.
 (夹住;卡住) grip; bite:
  台钳上有刻痕的虎钳牙帮助它紧咬住工件。 The scored jaws of a vise help it bite the work.
  这个旧螺母咬不住扣儿。 This old nut won't bite (grip).
 (受责难或审讯时牵扯别人) incriminate another person (usu. innocent) when blamed or interrogated:
  反咬一口 trump up a countercharge against one's accuser; make a false countercharge
 (正确地念出) pronounce; articulate:
  咬字清楚 clear articulation (enunciation);
  这个字他咬得很准。 He can pronounce this word correctly.
 (过分地斟酌) be nitpicking (about the use of words):
  咬字眼儿 be nitpicking on words




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