

字词 合计
释义 合计
 hé jì
 (总共) amount to; add up to; total; summation; footing:
  这屋的造价合计一万元。 The cost of the building amounts to 10000 yuan.
  参观者合计一千人。 The visitors totaled 1000.
  把这一栏的数字合计一下。 Add up the figures in this column.
 合计码数 yardage
 2) 合计
 hé ji
 (盘算) think over; figure out:
  她一天到晚心里老合计这件事。 She thought the matter over and over all day.
 (商量) consult:
  大家合计合计这个问题该怎么处理。 Let's put our heads together and decide how the problem is to be tackled.




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