

字词 合成
释义 合成
 hé chéng
 (由部分组成整体) compose; compound; {化} synthetise; synthetize; {数} composition; combination marrying; {核化} synthesis; combining; synthesis resultant:
  力的合成{物} composition of forces;
  由两部分合成 be composed of two parts
 合成板 hard board;
 合成宝石 synthetic gem;
 合成变质带 anamorphic zone;
 合成变质作用 anamorphism;
 合成冰片 synthetic borneol;
 合成波 {物} synthesis wave;
 合成材料 synthetic material;
 合成采煤组 butty-gang;
 合成测度 compound measure;
 合成产品 sintetics;
 合成丛 composite bundle;
 合成(综合)醇 synthol;
 合成雌激素 synthetic estrogen;
 合成词 {语} compound word;
 合成淬火油 synthetic quenching oil;
 合成代数 composition algebra;
 合成丹 syntan;
 合成单宁 syntannin;
 合成地址 calculated address; synthetic address; generated address;
 合成电感 combination inductance;
 合成电缆 composite cable;
 合成电流 resultant current;
 合成电刷 compound brush;
 合成多孔材料 poromerics;
 合成反应 synthetic reaction; building-up reaction;
 合成概率 compound probability;
 合成革 synthetic leather;
 合成工业 compound industry;
 合成工作团体(小组) composite work group;
 合成关系 compositive relation;
 合成光孔 synthetic aperture;
 合成硅灰石 synthetic wollastonite;
 合成果糖 acrose;
 合成过程 building-up process;
 合成海水 synthetic seawater;
 合成函数 composite function; compound function;
 合成核 synthetic kernel;
 合成红宝石 synthetic ruby;
 合成琥珀 ambroin;
 合成化学 synthetic chemistry;
 合成混频器 synthesizer mixer;
 合成激素 synthetic hormone;
 合成技术 synthetic technique;
 合成浆 synthetic pulp;
 合成胶乳 synthetic latex;
 合成结晶牛胰岛素 synthetic crystalline bovine insulin;
 合成景 composite shot; process shot;
 合成晶体 synthetic crystal;
 合成镜头 process shot;
 合成矩阵 composite matrix; compound matrix;
 合成绝缘油 synthetic insulating oil;
 合成军队 combined arms unit;
 合成抗原 synthetic antigen;
 合成矿物 synthetic mineral;
 合成立体图像 synthetic stereo image;
 合成粒子 compound particle;
 合成(群)列 composition-series;
 合成磷酸酯类 Reofos;
 合成炉 synthetic furnace;
 合成码 generated code;
 合成酶 {生化} synzyme; synase; synthetase;
 合成谬误 fallacy of composition;
 合成培养基 synthetic media;
 合成皮革 synthetic leather;
 合成器 synthesizer;
 合成气油 synthetic gasoline;
 合成前角 {机} resultant rake;
 合成切削运动 resultant cutting movement;
 合成曲线 resultant curve;
 合成全息图 resultant hologram;
 合成群 composite group;
 合成燃料 synfuel; synthol;
 合成染料 synthetic dye;
 合成溶质扩散法 synthesis solute diffusion method (SSD);
 合成鞣剂 syntans; synthetic tannin;
 合成润滑剂 syntholube;
 合成砂 synthetic sand;
 合成商品 composite commodity;
 合成摄影 process cinematography;
 合成麝香 musk ambrette;
 合成生长素 synthetic auxin;
 合成生铁 synthetic pig iron;
 合成试验设计 composite experiment design;
 合成石油 synthetic petroleum;
 合成数 composite number;
 合成数据处理 integrated data processing;
 合成水系 integrated drainage;
 合成塔 {化} synthetic tower;
 合成弹性体 synthetic elastomer;
 合成碳膜电位器 carbon composition film potentiometer;
 合成碳膜电阻器 carbon composition film resistor;
 合成糖皮质激素 synthetic glucocorticoid;
 合成天然气 synthetic natural gas;
 合成天线 synthetic antenna;
 合成烃类 Synthin;
 合成烃油 synthetic hydrocarbon oil;
 合成推进剂 composite propellant;
 合成物 synthetic; resultant; composition;
 合成洗涤剂 sapide; saponide; syndet; synthetic detergent;
 合成洗涤剂工业 synthetic detergent industry;
 合成系数 composite coefficient;
 合成显示器 combining display;
 合成香料 synthetic perfume;
 合成向量 composite vector; resultant vector;
 合成型砂 synthetic moulding sand;
 合成雄激素 synthetic androgen;
 合成演绎法 resulting deduction;
 合成氧化铝 Borolon;
 合成液体 synthetic fluid;
 合成液体绝缘材料 synthetic liquid insulating material;
 合成阴极 composite cathode;
 合成因子 composition-factor;
 合成音栓 synthetic stop;
 合成映射 composite mapping;
 合成映像 composite mapping;
 合成原图 composite artwork;
 合成原油 synthetic crude; synthetic oil;
 合成语言 synthetic language;
 合成域 composite field;
 合成云母 synthetic mica;
 合成运动 resultant motion;
 合成孕前激素 synthetic progestational hormone;
 合成渣 synthetic slag;
 合成樟脑 artificial camphor; synthetic camphor;
 合成照片 photomontage;
 合成脂肪酸 synthetic fatty acid;
 合成脂肪酸蜡 Acrawax;
 合成指令 synthetic instruction;
 合成纸 synthetic paper;
 合成制动液 synthetic brake fluid;
 合成阻抗 resultant impedance




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