

 (构词成分)见下。另见 kě。
 (同意) approve:
  不置可否 decline to comment; be noncommittal
 (可能; 能够; 许可) can; may:
  可供效法。 It may serve as a model.;
  由此可见。 Thus it can be seen that.; This proves.;
  今秋可望丰收。 We expect a good harvest this autumn.
 (值得) need (doing); be worth (doing):
  可爱 lovable;
  可悲 lamentable;
  可靠 reliable;
  没有什么可担心的。 There is nothing to worry about.
 (适合) fit; suit:
  这回倒可了她的心了。 It suited her perfectly this time.
  这帽子你可心吗? Does the hat suit you?
 (表示转折) but; yet:
  劳动很艰苦,可是大家干劲十足。 It was hard work, but everybody went at it with a will.
  她很忙,可是她总会抽时间去帮助别人。 She is very busy, but she always finds time to help other people.
  可别忘了。 Mind you don't forget it.; Be sure to remember it.
  可不是吗? That's just the way it is.; Exactly.
  你可来了! So you're here at last!
  人可多了! There were so many people.
  有人这么说,可谁见过呢? So they say, but who has ever seen it?
  你可曾跟他谈过这个问题? Did you ever talk it over with him?
  (书) (大约) about:
  年可80 about eighty years of age;
  重可百斤 weigh about 100 jin
 (姓氏) a surname:
  可岩 Ke Yan
 另见 kè。




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