

字词 变色
释义 变色
 biàn sè
 (改变颜色) change colour; discolour:
  风云变色。 The current political situation is changeable.
  这种墨水不会变色。 This ink will not change colour.
  脸不变色心不跳。 One's face does not change colour, nor does one's heart beat faster -- without a trace of fear.
 (改变脸色发怒) change one's countenance; become angry:
  勃然变色 suddemly change one's countenance
  {生理} (皮肤、毛发等变色) allochromasia; allochroism; discolouring; metachro-matism; alteration; floating
 变色材料 discoloration material;
 变色大巨蜥 lizard;
 变色反应 metachromatism;
 变色放线菌素 litmocidin;
 变色光学录声 variable-hue optical sound recording;
 变色巨蜥 lace lizard;
 变色龙 chameleon;
 变色滤光器{摄} variable color filter; metachromatic filter;
 变色能力 metachrosis;
 变色汽油 {化} off-colour gasoline;
 变色曲菌素 variecolin;
 变色水 decolored water;
 变色兔 varying hare;
 变色性 {摄} allochroism;
 变色荧光 tenebrescence;
 变色雨蛙 rain toad




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