

字词 发射
释义 发射
 fā shè
 (射出) launch; radiate; project; discharge; loft; fire; transmission; emission; sending; transmitting; shooting; launching; rocketeer; radiation; liftoff; shot; takeoff; blast-off; primary release; projection; extraction; shoot:
  发射炮弹 fire shells;
  这颗卫星是装在火箭上发射的。 The satellite was launched in a rocket.
  {物} transmit; emit
 发射按钮 {电} firing button;
 发射班 pad crew;
 发射保密 emission security;
 发射本领 emissive power;
 发射波 transmitting wave;
 发射波形 transmitted waveform;
 发射材料 emitting material;
 发射常数 emission constant;
 发射程序 launching procedure;
 发射程序表 countdown profile;
 发射导弹 launch a guided missile;
 发射导轨 shoe;
 发射点 firing point;
 发射电极 emission electrode;
 发射电流 emission current;
 发射电流密度 emission current density;
 发射电流响应 transmitting current response;
 发射电路 radiating circuit;
 发射电压响应 transmitting voltage response;
 发射电子束 divergent bundle;
 发射电子物质 electron-emissive material;
 发射度 emittance (加速器);
 发射飞机 launch plane;
 发射分光光度计 emission spectrophotometer;
 发射分光计 {光谱} emission spectrometer;
 发射分光镜 emission spectroscope;
 发射干扰 transmitting interference; interference with transmission;
 发射功率 transmitting power; transmitted power; emanating power;
 发射功率响应 transmitting power response;
 发射管 {电} launch tube; transmitting tube (valve); launching tube;
 发射光电管 emission phototube; emission cell;
 发射光谱 emission spectrum (ES);
 发射光谱测定法 emission spectrometric method;
 发射光谱分析 emission spectrographic analysis;
 发射光谱学 emission spectroscopy;
 发射换能器 transmitting transducer;
 发射火箭 rocket launching;
 发射火焰光度法 {分化} emission flame photometry;
 发射机构 trigger mechanism;
 发射架 {军} launcher;
 发射角 {航空} angle of departure; launching (emission) angle;
 发射-接收 send-receive (SR);
 发射结 emitter junction;
 发射井 {航空} silo; launching silo;
 发射孔径 transmitting aperture;
 发射控制 emission control;
 发射控制电路 countdown circuit;
 发射控制机 launcher control system;
 发射离地角 angle of departure;
 发射量 {天} emission measure (EM);
 发射灵敏度 tarnsmitting sensitivity;
 发射脉冲 transmitted pulse;
 发射脉冲包络 transmitted pulse envelope;
 发射脉冲包线 transmitted pulse envelope;
 发射脉冲压缩 transmit-pulse suppression;
 发射脉冲抑制 transmit-pulse suppression;
 发射密度 emission density;
 发射面 surface of emission; emission surface;
 发射模拟 launching simulation;
 发射模拟器 launch simulator;
 发射能力 emissivities;
 发射偏斜 {讯} squit;
 发射频带响应 transmitting band response;
 发射频率 transmitting frequency;
 发射平面 plane of departure;
 发射平行光学 transmitter collimating optics;
 发射坪 {航空} launch (launching) pad;
 发射谱 emission spectra;
 发射谱线 {光} spectral line of emission; emission line;
 发射强度 emissive power;
 发射热 {电子} heat of emission;
 发射人员训练导弹 launching-crew-training missile;
 发射摄谱仪 emission spectrograph;
 发射时间 launch time; T-time; time to go;
 发射时限 window; launch window;
 发射试验 emission test; launching test;
 发射竖井 vertical firing shaft;
 发射数据 emit data;
 发射速度 emission rate; rate of fire; launching rate;
 发射塔 launching shoe; launching tower;
 发射探针 emitting probe;
 发射逃逸系统 launch escape system;
 发射特性 {电子} emission characteristics;
 发射特性曲线 emission characteristic curve;
 发射体 emitter;
 发射天线 transmitting antenna; sending antenna; transmitting wire;
 发射天线交换器 transmitting antenna exchanger;
 发射筒盖 launch tube closure;
 发射稳定性 launch stability;
 发射系数 emission ratio;
 发射系统 emission system;
 发射线 line of departure;
 发射线星 emission line stars;
 发射箱 {电工} firing box;
 发射响应 transmitting response;
 发射效率 emission efficiency;
 发射斜轨致动装置 ramp actuator;
 发射星云 emission nebula;
 发射星云气 emission nebulosity;
 发射阴极 emitting cathode;
 发射域 emit field;
 发射元件 radiated element; transmitting element;
 发射噪声 shot noise;
 发射增益 transmitting gain;
 发射者 bolter (箭等的);
 发射振荡变压器 transmitting jigger;
 发射阵地 firing position;
 发射制导 launching guidance;
 发射中心 launching centre;
 发射中缀 launch abort;
 发射中子 given-off neutron;
 发射装置 launcher;
 发射准备完毕 {航} {军} on the way;
 发射准确度 accuracy of fire; (火箭)
 发射最佳时间 launch window




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