

字词 发出
释义 发出
 fā chū
 issue; send out; give out; deliver; emit; dispatch; effluence; delivery:
  发出传票 issue a summons;
  发出逮捕证 issue a warrant;
  发出呼救信号 dispatch an SOS;
  发出紧急呼吁 send out an urgent appeal;
  发出警报 sound the alarm;
  发出警告 send out a warning;
  发出阵阵清香 send forth wafts of delicate fragrance;
  发出指示 issue a directive;
  太阳发出光和热。 The sun sends forth light and heat.
  他们给那个国家发出了最后通牒。 They delivered an ultimatum to that country.
  吊车发出隆隆的响声。 The crane made rumbling sound.
  原子反应堆发出大量的热能。 The atomic reactor generates enormous amounts of thermal energy.
 发出超前脉冲 prepulsing;
 发出电力 generated output;
 发出订单 placing an order;
 发出功率 developed power;
 发出脉冲 impulsing;
 发出热量 evolution of heat;
 发出商品 goods shipped in transit;
 发出瓦数 watts-out;
 发出信号 discrete sampling;
 发出选通脉冲 strobing;
 发出运输 traffic




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