

字词 发光
释义 发光
 fā guāng
 (发出光来) give out light; shine; be luminous; brighten; fulgurate; flash; glow; sparkle; glisten; gleam; shimmer; radiate; lightening; radiation; shining; glowing; inflammation:
  有一分热, 发一分光 give as much light as the heat can produce; do one's best, however little it may be;
  露珠在晨光下闪闪发光。 Dewdrops sparkle (glisten) in the morning sun.
  群星闪闪发光。 The stars twinkled.
  {物} luminescence:
  场致发光 electroluminescence
 发光本领 luminosity;
 发光标度盘仪器 {电} illuminated-dial instrument;
 发光标志 luminous sign;
 发光表面吸收能力 luminous surface absorptivity;
 发光材料 luminescent material; lumophor; luminophor; phosphor;
 发光测井 luminescence logging;
 发光层 luminescent layer; luminous layer;
 发光产额 luminescence yield;
 发光磁共振 luminescence magnetoresonance;
 发光猝灭 luminescence quenching;
 发光大气光象 {气} luminous meteor;
 发光蛋白 luminescent protein;
 发光蛋白质 photoprotein;
 发光灯 electroluminescent lamp;
 发光点 luminous point;
 发光动物 luminous animals;
 发光动力学 luminescence kinetics;
 发光二极管 luminous diode; light-emitting diode (LED); light diode;
 发光二极管显示牌 light-emitting diode display panel;
 发光二极管显示器 light emitting diode indicator;
 发光沸石 {矿} flokite; mordenite; arduinite; ashtonite; ptilolite;
 发光分析 luminescence analysis;
 发光粉 luminescent powder; phosphor;
 发光浮标 {航海} lighted buoy;
 发光功效 {光} luminous efficacy;
 发光管 luminotron;
 发光光谱 luminescent spectrum;
 发光呼叫信号系统 luminous call system;
 发光弧 luminous arc;
 发光化合物 luminophor;
 发光化学反应 chemiphosphorescence;
 发光绘图法 luminography;
 发光机制 luminous mechanism;
 发光激活 activation;
 发光激活剂 luminescent activator;
 发光激励 light excitation;
 发光剂量计 luminescent dosemeter;
 发光计数管 luminescent counter;
 发光结 light-emitting junction;
 发光界限 threshold of luminescence;
 发光菌 photogen;
 发光菌落 photogenic colony;
 发光孔 lightening hole;
 发光蓝色 lumiere blue;
 发光理论 luminescence theory;
 发光率 luminance; luminosity factor;
 发光密度 luminous density;
 发光面 light-emitting area;
 发光模拟接线图 luminous-circuit diagram;
 发光能力 luminous power;
 发光能量 {光} luminous energy;
 发光盘 luminosity scale;
 发光疲劳 (luminous) fatigue;
 发光屏 luminescent screen;
 发光漆 glazing paint; luminous paint;
 发光器 photophore; light-projector;
 发光器件 luminescent device;
 发光气焰 {热} luminous gas flame;
 发光强度 {光} luminous intensity; light intensity; luminescent intensity; luminosity intensity;
 发光染料 luminescent dye;
 发光摄谱仪 optical emission spectrograph;
 发光摄影 luminescence photography;
 发光视见距离 {航海} luminous range;
 发光衰变 decay of luminescene;
 发光衰减 luminescence decay;
 发光衰退 {物} dark burn fatigue;
 发光炭精棒 flame carbon;
 发光特性 characteristics of luminescence;
 发光体 luminous body; luminophor; lumophor; luminary; luminosity; shiner; illuminant; twinkler; luminaire;
 发光通量强度 luminous flux intensity;
 发光图 {电} illuminated diagram;
 发光涂料 luminous paint;
 发光团 illuminophore;
 发光物 radiant; shiner;
 发光物质 luminescent material;
 发光系数 {光} luminous coefficient; luminous efficiency;
 发光细菌 luminous bacteria; photogenic bacteria;
 发光纤维 luminescent fibre;
 发光线 isolychn;
 发光腺 {脊椎} photophore gland;
 发光效率 luminous efficiency;
 发光信号剂 illuminating flare;
 发光信号牌 luminous signboard;
 发光星体 photostar;
 发光星云 luminous nebulae;
 发光性质 luminosity; luminance;
 发光学 luminescence;
 发光颜料 luminous pigment;
 发光焰 {化} luminous flame;
 发光因子 {光} luminosity (factor);
 发光荧光屏 light-emitting screen;
 发光油漆 luminous paint;
 发光诱饵 luminous lure;
 发光鱼类 luminous fishes;
 发光阈 threshold of luminescence;
 发光元件 light-emitting component;
 发光跃迁 luminescent transition;
 发光植物 luminous plant;
 发光指示器 luminous indicator;
 发光中心 {固物} centre of luminescence; luminescence centre; luminescent centre; light centre; luminous centre;
 发光中心长度 {电} light-centre length;
 发光状态 luminance




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