字词 | 发 |
释义 | 发 fā 动 (送出; 交付) send out; give out; distribute; deliver; issue: 分(颁)发 give out; distribute; 发电报 send a telegram; 发货 deliver goods; 发传单 distribute leaflets; 发工资 pay out wages; 发信号 give a signal; 发通告 send out public notice; 发奖金 give premium (发射) launch; discharge; shoot; emit: 发炮 discharge a shot from a gun; 百发百中 shoot with unfailing accuracy; 发光发热 emit light and heat (产生; 发生) produce; generate; come (bring) into existence: 发电 generate electricity; 发芽 sprout; 发苞 put forth buds; 旧病复发 have an attack of a recurrent sickness; have a recurrence of an old illness (表达) express; utter: 发命令 give out orders; 有三个同志在会上发了言。 Three comrades spoke at the meeting. (扩大; 开展) expand; develop: 发扬 develop; carry on; 发育 grow; develop (因得财物而兴旺) flourish: 发家 build up a family fortune; 暴发 suddenly become rich or important (食物因发酵或水浸而膨胀) (of foodstuffs) rise or expand when fermented or soaked: 发面 leaven dough; 发豆芽 raise bean sprouts; sprout beans; 面发起来了。 The dough has risen. (放散; 散开) spread out; disperse; diffuse: 挥发 volatilize; 蒸发 evaporate; 发散 diverge (揭露; 打开) expose; open up; discover: 揭发 expose; 开发 open up; 发现 discover; find out; 发掘 excavate; unearth; explore; seek (因变化而显现、散发) become; turn; get into a certain state: 发黄 turn yellow; 发霉 become mildewed; 脸色发白 lose colour; become pale; 肉发臭了。 The meat smells a bit off.; The meat smells bad. (流露感情) show one's feeling: 发笑 laugh; 发脾气 get (become) angry; 发抖 shiver (感到) feel; have a feeling: 发懒 feel lazy; 发热 have a fever; 有点发冷 feel a bit chilly; 嘴里发苦 have a bitter taste in the mouth; 发麻 tingle; 发痒 itch (起程) start; set out: 出发 start off; set out; 朝发夕至 set off in the morning and arrive in the evening; 车船齐发。 All the boats and carts started off at the same time. (开始行动; 引起行动) begin an undertaking; cause to do: 奋发 rouse (exert) oneself 量 (颗, 用于枪弹、炮弹): 一发子弹 a bullet; 上百发炮弹 about one hundred shells 名 (姓氏) a surname: 发根 Fa Gen 另见 fà。 2) 发(髮) fà 名 (头发) hair: 白发 grey (white) hair; 假发 wig; false hair; 金发 blonde (golden) hair; fair hair; 理发 haircut; 毛发 hair (on the human body and head); 银发 silver hair (姓氏) a surname: 发福 Fa Fu 另见 fā。 |
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