

 (书) 同“叁”(sān)另见 cān; shēn
 2) 参(參)
 (构词成分)见下。另见 cān; shēn。
 3) 参(參)
 (加入; 参加) join; enter; take part in:
  参军 join the army;
  参战 enter a war
 (参考) refer; consult:
  参阅 see; consult; refer to; confer
 (进见; 谒见) call to pay one's respects to:
  参谒烈士陵园 pay homage at the mausoleum of the martyred heroes
 (封建时代指弹劾) impeach an official before the emperor:
  那位官员因受贿被参。 The official was impeached for taking a bribe.
  (书) (佛教用语, 指探究并领会道理、意义等) penetrate (truth); reach into the realm of understanding:
  参破道理 see the truth;
  参不破 cannot penetrate (profundities)
  (书)(荐举, 多见早期白话) recommend person to post:
  参你作个教头 recommended you as sergeant
 另见 cēn; shēn; sān。
 4) 参(參、蓡、葠)
 (人参、党参等的统称) ginseng:
  人参 ginseng; Asiatic ginseng;
  西洋参 American ginseng
 (二十八宿之一) Shen, one of the lunar mansions
 (姓氏) a surname:
  参百 Shen Bai
 另见 cān; cēn。




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