

字词 危害
释义 危害
 wēi hài
 harm; endanger; detriment; damage; jeopardize:
  危害公共利益 harm public interest;
  危害公共卫生 impair public sanitation;
  危害农作物 harm the crops;
  危害治安 jeopardize public security;
  危害国家的根本利益 jeopardize (harm) the fundamental interests of the state;
  扩大城市面积危害着野生物。 The spread of urban areas endangers wildlife.
  长期大量吸烟会危害身体健康, 甚至导致死亡。 Smoking a lot of cigarettes can harm and even kill over a long period of time.
 危害程度 extent of injury;
 危害公共安全罪 offense against public security;
 危害社会秩序罪 offense against social order;
 危害性 harmfulness; perniciousness




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