

字词 卫星
释义 卫星
 wèi xīng
 (围绕行星运行的天体) satellite; moon:
  木星有几个卫星? How many moons has the planet Jupiter?
 (人造卫星) artificial satellite; man-made satellite:
  气象卫星 weather satellite;meteorological satellite;
  通讯卫星 communications satellite;
  发射卫星 launch an artificial satellite;
  侦察卫星 a reconnaissance satellite;
  月球探测卫星 a satellite for lunar probes
 卫星被掩 occultation of satellites;
 卫星病毒 satellite virus;
 卫星测高仪 satellite height finder;
 卫星测距仪 satellite rangefinder;
 卫星测量法 satellite photogrammetry;
 卫星城 satellite city; satellite town;
 卫星城镇 satellite;
 卫星成像 satellite imagery;
 卫星处理机 satellite processor;
 卫星传输 satellite transmitter;
 卫星传输线路 satellite link;
 卫星大地测量学 satellite geodesy;
 卫星大地网 satellite geodetic net;
 卫星导航 satellite navigation;
 卫星导航地面站 satellite navigation earth station;
 卫星导航定位设备 satellite navigation equipment for user;
 卫星导航计算机 satellite navigation computer;
 卫星导航接收天线 receiving antenna of satellite navigation;
 卫星底片 satellite negative;
 卫星地面保障 satellite ground support;
 卫星地面接收站 satellite earth receive station;
 卫星地面径迹 satellite ground track;
 卫星地面站 satellite ground station;
 卫星电池 satellite battery;
 卫星电视接收机 satellite television;
 卫星电源 satellite power supply;
 卫星定点 satellite positioning;
 卫星多普勒导航系统 satellite-Doppler navigation system;
 卫星发射 satellite launching;
 卫星发射机 satellite transmitter;
 卫星辐射计 satellite radiometer;
 卫星覆盖范围 satellite coverage;
 卫星跟踪 satellite tracking;
 卫星跟踪激光器 satellite-tracking laser;
 卫星跟踪天线 satellite tracking antenna;
 卫星跟踪系统 {航空} minitrack;
 卫星跟踪站 satellite tracking station;
 卫星构型 satellite configuration; (人造)
 卫星观测 moonscope; satellite observation;
 卫星观察者 moonwatcher;
 卫星广播 satellite broadcast;
 卫星广播电视 satellite broadcasting television;
 卫星轨道 satellite orbit;
 卫星轨道参数 satellite orbit parameter;
 卫星轨道控制 satellite orbit control;
 卫星轨道衰变 contraction of satellite orbit;
 卫星航空基地 subbase;
 卫星国 satellite state; satellite country
 卫星痕迹 satellite trail;
 卫星红外分光计(光谱仪) {光谱} satellite infrared spectrometer (SIRS);
 卫星回收率 satellite recovery rate;
 卫星机 subhost;
 卫星几何测地 geometric satellite geodesy;
 卫星计划 {航空} Sputnik program;
 卫星计算机 {自} satellite computer;
 卫星监视 satellite monitoring;
 卫星监视雷达 {电磁} satellite surveillance radar;
 卫星监视调频-连续波雷达 FM-CW radar for satellite surveillance;
 卫星监视用干涉仪 interferometer for satellite surveillance;
 卫星监视站 moonwatch;
 卫星监视阵列雷达 array radar for satellite surveillance;
 卫星可测事件 satellite-sensed event;
 卫星可见期 visibility of satellite;
 卫星链路 satellite link;
 卫星凌行星 satellite transit;
 卫星气球 saloon (satellite balloon);
 卫星气象学 {气} satellite meteorology;
 卫星全球监测 satellite global monitoring;
 卫星热管 satellite heat pipe;
 卫星散射通信设备 Janet;
 卫星扫描带 swath;
 卫星摄动 satellite perturbation;
 卫星摄动运动 satellite perturbance motion;
 卫星摄影 satellite photography;
 卫星时间同步 satellite time synchronization;
 卫星食 {天} eclipse of satellite; satellite eclipse;
 卫星寿命 lifetime of satellite; satellite life;
 卫星数据记录器 satellite data recorder;
 卫星(电)台 satellite station;
 卫星探测 satellite sounding;
 卫星探测雷达 satellite-detection radar;
 卫星体 satelloid;
 卫星天文学 satellite astronomy;
 卫星天线 {电磁} satellite aerial; satellite antenna;
 卫星通过 passing of satellite;
 卫星通信 satcom; satellite communication;
 卫星通信船 satellite communication ship;
 卫星通信系统 satellite communication system;
 卫星通信终端设备 satellite communication terminal;
 卫星通讯技术 satellite communication technology;
 卫星图书馆服务 telelibrary;
 卫星图像判读 interpretation of satellite images;
 卫星图像自动传送 automatic picture transmission;
 卫星脱离运载火箭 kick-off;
 卫星网 satellite network;
 卫星-卫星跟踪 satellite to satellite tracking;
 卫星系统 satellite system;
 卫星细胞 satellite cell;
 卫星下点 sub-satellite point;
 卫星现象 satellitism;
 卫星相片 satellite photograph;
 卫星相片编图 compilation with a satellite photograph;
 卫星相片测图 mapping with a satellite photograph;
 卫星小型计算机 satellite minicomputer;
 卫星行波管 satellite travelling wave tube;
 卫星遥测系统 microlock;
 卫星遥感 satellite remote sensing;
 卫星预警 early warning from a satellite;
 卫星云图 satellite cloud picture;
 卫星云图接收系统 satellite cloud picture receiving system;
 卫星侦察 {军} satellite reconnaissance;
 卫星制导 satellite guidance;
 卫星重力学 satellite gravimetry;
 卫星状态 {医} satellitosis;
 卫星姿态 attitude of satellite;
 卫星姿态控制 satellite attitude control;
 卫星姿态控制系统 satellite attitude control system;
 卫星自旋 satellite spin;
 卫星总数 population of satellites;
 卫星坐标量测仪 satellite coordinate measuring instrument




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