

字词 占有
释义 占有
 zhàn yǒu
 (占据) own; possess; have:
  占有生产资料 have the means of production
 (处在) occupy; hold:
  农业在国民经济中占有重要地位。 Agriculture occupies an important place in the national economy.
 (掌握) have; own:
  占有不动产 hold estate;
  占有财产 enter upon a property;
  占有第一手资料 have firsthand data
 占有带宽 {讯} occupied bandwidth;
 占有度 occupancy;
 占有几率 occupation probability;
 占有率 occupancy; occupation ratio;
 占有能带 occupied band;
 占有期间 occupancy;
 占有权 occupation; rights of possession;
 占有生产资料 possess the means of production; appropriate the means of production; seizing the means of production; ownership of the means of production; own the means of production;
 占有剩余价值 possession of surplus value; gain surplus value;
 占有态 occupied state;
 占有物 chose in possession;
 占有因数 {核子} occupancy factor;
 占有者 holder; possessor




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