

 (拿东西换钱) sell:
  拍卖 sell at auction;
  转卖 resell;
  挂羊头卖狗肉是他们的惯技。 To sell horse meat as beefsteak is their usual practice.
  你愿意卖, 我们就买。 If you're willing to sell, we'll buy.
  他们组的苹果卖得很快。 His group's apples were selling very fast.
  新纪念邮票全卖完了。 The new commemorative stamps are all sold out.
  这样质量的商品绝对卖不出去。 Goods of that quality will never sell.
 (出卖) betray:
  卖友求荣 betray one's friend to obtain promotion
 (尽量用出来; 不吝惜) do one's best; exert to the utmost:
  卖力气 exert all one's strength; do one's very best; exert oneself to the utmost
 (故意表现)show off:
  好卖功 like to show off one's merit
 (旧时饭馆中称一个菜为一卖) a dish (in the old times)




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