

字词 单项
释义 单项
 dān xiàng
 single; {数} monoidal; monomial; {自} uniterm; {体} individual event
 单项比赛 individual competition;
 单项变换 monoidal dilatation (transformation);
 单项表示 monomial representation;
 单项不尽根 monomial surd;
 单项定额 single norm;
 单项奖金 bonuses for single items of merit; bonuses on separate items; bonus for fulfilment of particular targets;
 单项矩阵 monomial matrix;
 单项模 monomial module;
 单项群 monomial group;
 单项选择 uniterming;
 单项学科 monoscience;
 单项样本变异数 variance of a single sample;
 单项子模 monomial submodules;
 单项自动操作 single automatic operation




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