

 (二分之一) half:
  半年 half a year; six months;
  一天半 one and a half days;
  减半 reduce by half
 (在 ... 中间的) in the middle; halfway:
  半山腰 halfway up a hill;
  夜半时 in the middle of the night;
  工作到深更半夜 burn the midnight oil
 (比喻很少) very little; the least bit:
  一星半点 very little; a wee bit;
  他连半句话都不说。 He wouldn't breathe a word.
  把它切成同样大小的两半。 Cut it into two exact halves.
  这些书有一半是德语的。 Half of the books are in German.
  这些学生一大半来自农村。 The students are, for the most part, from the villages.
 (不完全) partly:
  半新的 half-new;
  半死的 dead-alive;
  半开的门 partly-opened door;
  半机械化 semi-mechanized
 (姓氏) a surname:
  半乾 Ban Qian




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