

字词 区别
释义 区别
 qū bié
 (比较; 分别) distinguish; differentiate; make a distinction between:
  区别不同情况 distinguish among differing cases;
  区别品种 differentiate one variety from another;
  区别好坏 distinguish between good and bad;
  他对我们一视同仁, 毫无区别。 He is fair to us without distinction.
  要区别主要的和次要的任务。 A distinction should be made between the primary and secondary tasks.
 (彼此不同的地方) difference; distinction; discrimination:
  细微的区别 nice (subtle) distinction;
  主要区别 the main distinction
 区别标记 distinctive mark; certain discrimination; make chalk of one and cheese of the other;
 区别记号 diacritical sign; discriminating sign;
 区别信号 distinguishing signal




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