

字词 剪切
释义 剪切
 jiǎn qiē
 {机} shear; shearing; shear cut; sheared; cropping
 剪切板 shear plate;
 剪切比例极限 proportional limit of shear;
 剪切变稀 shear thinning;
 剪切变形 detrusion; shearing deformation;
 剪切层 shear layer;
 剪切长度 sheared length;
 剪切场 shearing field;
 剪切成形机 shear forming machine;
 剪切程度 shear rate;
 剪切冲头 cutting punch;
 剪切唇 {冶} shear lip;
 剪切带 shear zone;
 剪切刀具 {设计} shearing tool;
 剪切刀片 shear bar; shear blade;
 剪切刀片磨床 shear blade grinding machine;
 剪切断裂 shear fracture; shear rupture;
 剪切断裂转变温度 shear fracture transition temperature;
 剪切刚度 shearing rigidity;
 剪切钢 shear steel;
 剪切工序 cutting operation;
 剪切工作 shearing work;
 剪切功 shear work;
 剪切构造 {地质} shear structure;
 剪切回弹 shearing resilience;
 剪切机械 {机} shearing machine;
 剪切胶 clipping;
 剪切角 angle of shear; {地质} shear angle;
 剪切节理{地质} shear joint; slip joint;
 剪切口 sheared edge;
 剪切力 blade load; shear force;
 剪切梁 shear beam;
 剪切裂缝 shearing crack;
 剪切裂面 shear fracture plane;
 剪切裂纹 shear fissure;
 剪切裂隙 shear crack;
 剪切流动 shear flow;
 剪切毛边试验 cutting burr test;
 剪切面 shear front; shearing surface;
 剪切面积 section of shear;
 剪切模{机} shearing die;
 剪切模量 shear elasticity; shear modulus;
 剪切模数 modulus in shear; shearing modulus;
 剪切-粘度函数{流} shear-viscosity function;
 剪切粘性 shear viscosity;
 剪切疲劳试验 shear fatigue test;
 剪切平面 {力} shear plane;
 剪切破坏 failure by shear; shear breakdown; shear failure;
 剪切破裂带 sheared deformation zone;
 剪切器头 shear head;
 剪切强度 {力} shear strength;
 剪切区域 shear zone;
 剪切屈服应力 shear yield stress;
 剪切刃口 shearing edge;
 剪切柔量 compliance in shear;
 剪切蠕变 shear creep;
 剪切设备 shearing equipment;
 剪切试验 shearing test;
 剪切试验机 shear testing machine;
 剪切损坏 fail in shear;
 剪切速率 rate of shear; shearing rate;
 剪切弹性 {力} elasticity of shear; elasticity of shearing; shear(ing) elasticity;
 剪切弹性模量 coefficient of rigidity; modulus of elasticity in shear; modulus of rigidity; shear modulus; {力} torsional modulus;
 剪切弹性模数 elastic modulus of shear; modulus of elasticity in shear; shearing modulus of elasticity;
 剪切突变型 excision repair deficient mutant;
 剪切湍流 shear turbulence;
 剪切无破坏 no-shear failure;
 剪切线 shear line;
 剪切性质 shear property;
 剪切载荷 shear load;
 剪切造成材料压弯 shear buckling;
 剪切褶曲 glide fold; shear fold; {地质} slip fold;
 剪切增稠 {流} shear thickening;
 剪切中心 shear centre;
 剪切装置 shear;
 剪切阻力 shearing resistance;
 剪切阻力角 angle of shearing resistance;
 剪切作业线 cutting(-up) line;
 剪切作用 shearing action




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