

字词 前后
释义 前后
 qián hòu
 (时间接近) around; about:
  春节前后 around the Spring Festival
 (自始至终) from start to finish; from beginning to end; altogether:
  这篇小说从动笔到定稿,前后用了一年时间。 The novel took a year to write altogether, from start to finish.
  他前后来过四五次。 He has been here four or five times altogether.
 (前面和后面) front and back:
  受到前后围攻 be attacked both front and back; be caught between two fires;
  房子前后都是果树。 There are fruit trees in front and at the back of the house.
 前后摆动 swing;
 前后比 front-to-back ratio;
 前后肠 ileocolon;
 前后车轴架 rear and front axle stand;
 前后重叠 forward lap;
 前后次序 succession;
 前后颠簸 piching;
 前后关系 context;
 前后弧焊 tandem arc weld;
 前后换置式装载机 alternative front or rear loader;
 前后间距 fore-and-aft clearance;
 前后距离 longitudinal separation;
 前后两用刀架 tool-post for front and rear slide;
 前后列柱建筑 amphiprostyle;
 前后倾斜计 fore-and-aft inclinometer;
 前后双扳机 double-set trigger;
 前后通风 cross ventilation;
 前后相互影响 front-to-back effect




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