

字词 利用
释义 利用
 lì yòng
 (使发挥效用) use; utilize; make use of:
  利用废料 make use of scrap material; turn scrap material to good account;
  利用控制保保持转动 secure rotationally;
  充分利用最新科学技术成就 make full use of the latest achievements in science and technology
 (利用手段使为自己服务) take advantage of; exploit:
  利用矛盾 utilize contradictions;
  利用公款吃喝(送礼; 旅游) entertain guests (present gifts; tour the country) at public expense;
  利用某人 make use of sb.;
  利用某人的弱点 take advantage of sb.'s weaknesses;
  利用逆境 make the best of a bad bargain;
  利用时机 take advantage of opportunities;
  利用职权 abusing one's power; take advantage of one's position and power; exploit one's office;
  受人利用 be made use of; be a cat's-paw
 利用差异 utilization variance;
 利用计算机设计 computer aided design;
 利用热耗 utilization heat rate;
 利用升力再入 {航空} lifting reentry;
 利用外资 introducing foreign investment; utilize foreign capital; use foreign funds; absorb the foreign investment;
 利用系数 {电工} operating ratio; utilization factor; coefficient of occupation; productivity ratio; utilization coefficient;
 利用效率 utilization ratio;
 利用因数 use factor; utilization factor




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